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  1. interesting, thanks. 6 billion rpm is insane, guess we will never have anti gravity rooms using a spinning disk
  2. So a object gains mass when in motion, and the gravitational pull of a object is based on its mass.....so I am curious as to how fast must we spin a solid metal disk (say it weight is 500 pounds) before its mass increases enough to a point in which its gravitational pull matches the earths pull of gravity perfectly? I am imagining this disk being stationed above a room, in theory, if we can spin it fast enough, then it should be possible for its gravity to cancel out earths gravity, thus, we would just float around in the space between the earth and this disk. so how fast does a 500 pound disk needs to spin to do this?....I am pretty sure its impossible to spin a disk fast enough to match the earths gravity because the disk would probably break before we get any where near the needed speed, how ever, I dont care if its possible or not, I just want to know how fast it needs to spin for it to work. not sure if this helps but I think you can solve this by finding out how much of a gravitational pull a object has in respect to its velocity, once you know how much mass a object gains when in motion then you can calculate how much of a gravitational pull that object has while moving at any given speed....maybe, I wouldnt know, im horrible at math.
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