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Everything posted by AustinL

  1. In this hypothetical thought experiment what is being stated will be stated as being true for the sake of the hypothesis to be stated clearly. We exist in a 4 dimensional space time matrix. In this space time we have an effect called gravity which is a push rather that a pull on the objects in our universe. The reason for this is the polarity of every particle of our universe. To explain the link between polarity and gravity we must consider higher dimensions. Fortunately, the link can be explained using only one additional set of 4 dimensions. With a single additional space time matrix the force of gravity can be explained in both matrices. The polarity of our matter is conversely related to polarity of the matter (anti-matter) which exists in this anti-spacetime. When you see a black hole it is actually a perceptual imprint of a planet existing in the anti-spacetime universe, the mass of which distorts our own space time but does not register as having light, because it is anti-light or even "dark light" to throw in a well deserved oxymoron. With this framework in place: Gravity is the electrical push between oppositely charged adjacent space-time matrices. Further, to explain why particles jump into and out of existence on the quantum level; it is because the polarity of that particle changed and it blinked into the anti-spacetime. It also seems reasonable to consider an opposite flow of entropy in this anti-spacetime. As the forces of electromagnetism would be reversed. This simple explanation seems conceptually sound to me. I unfortunately lack the mathematical background to construct this model and I hope that others will take this as a serious hypothesis and treat it with the same scientific rigour that you would any other theory or hypothesis.
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