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  1. you can watch this video on youtube @ about 39 minute it explains a lot!
  2. I learned that LiC is made by diffusion of Li in Graphite so it was not a chemical reaction just as I suspected but the rest remains a mystery to me!
  3. I am making a research about Li-Ion Batteries and I have read that Anode: Lithium intercalated graphite (LiC6) Cathode: Lithium intercalated LiCoO2 (Li„Co02) Electrolyte (Liquid): Alkyl Carbonate -I- LiPF6 [Solution of LiPF6 in a mixture of Ethylene Ofjf. Carbonate and Di methyle Carbonate (EC-DMC)] My Question is the Anode , Cathode and Electrolyte (Liquid) materials; how are they prepared by chemical reaction or by industrial technologies athor than chemical reactions? because I ma starting to doubt that cobalt and Li chemically react!
  4. search on youtube.com and if you do not want to use citruss acetic acid or viniger is always a good reliable option
  5. I am not quite sure about what you mean by half cell operation I mean for discharging you always need two terminals! and you need to connect the minus terminal to ground and you need a common ground for connection or your voltmeter cannot read a floating terminal. a voltmeter has two terminals we are not dealing with coulombs!?
  6. I need to find the next new powerful battery where I believe that a large potential difference can be achieved! I am an electronic engineer and researching in the field of Electro-Chemistry where a new technology may appear but some should research in this area where when found a new technology would appear to replace Li existing old technology! as I believe! it can! It was believed at old times that you can make MAGIC with this science but all it needs is a little research!
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