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Vata Raven

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I am wanting to make a Citrate Buffer with a PH of 5.5 I have found a calculator that will tell me how much Sodium Citrate and Citric Acid I need for the buffer However, I am not sure how much I would need to use I'm wanting to use it in milk to change the PH for cheese How much buffer should I use for 1 gallon of milk? Thank you for your time and help.
  2. So, I've been looking into difference cheeses and their pH levels For acid-set recipes, the use of critic acid seems very random. Some will use the powder, others will use lemon juice or vinegar; it is very random. With how varied my cheese curds have been, I have decided to look into pH related stuff. A citrate buffer is made of critic acid powder and sodium citrate, and of course water. Could I change the milk's pH level with the proper buffer? Thank you for your time and help.
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