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Posts posted by Willshikabob

  1. Okay, I'll give some context. So, the UN Dev Goal I'm doing is clean water. I'm trying to create a solution that people living under the poverty line can create. It's cheap, effective, and reliable. There's some compromise, but it's the best they can make. They need to use what they have. I've thought of UV, but I'm open to suggestion. It just needs to fit those requirements. I've looked at UV filters, and they're hecka expensive in Canada, so I'm trying to stay away from those.

  2. Hi all. So for the UN Sustainable Development Goals, I was thinking of using UV rays to clean water. From my understanding, solar UV rays are powerful enough to mutate and kill the bacteria in water and sterilize it. I'm wondering if this is true, and if so, would the death of the bacteria, if enclosed, contaminate the water? Thank ya very kindly. If you're interested in what else I'm doing, I can allow you to comment on my document.

  3. On 5/4/2018 at 6:29 PM, rangerx said:

    In which case, lakes would be more suitable, especially without the need for desalinating water.

    Question for clarification. Say I use the evaporated water just above water level, would that water still be salinated?


    Edit: Also, would it still be even plausible because of the small amount of evaporated water?

  4. 30 minutes ago, Sensei said:

    I think so it is plausible idea.

    However it has some issues like hurricanes and storms.

    The main question is how big these oceans food farms should be.

    If you need to spend more energy (in fuel) for boats to bring ready product back to land, entire idea has no economical sense.

    If entire world economic won't change, in the face of overpopulation, prices of food will grow to the level, in which even currently silly ideas will start making economical sense..

    I'm not worried about cost, that's up to the suits if this goes through. As for hurricanes, storms, and space, I'm thinking of something not too far offshore, so it'll be easy to get, like within a really long rope length. I'm just thinking more of the science side, and if it would actually work. Thank you!

  5. For a grade 10 hum project, I am doing (UN Sustainable Dev Goals) hydroponics. I was thinking "hey, there's a lot of ocean space and sea space, why don't we use that?" I know you can't directly use seawater, but I had another idea. What if I somehow made a little raft with a mesh bottom that uses the evaporated water to grow my plants. The nutrients would be present but not viable yet until exposed to water, and sunlight isn't an issue on the ocean or sea. I'm not by any means an expert and wanted a professional's opinion. Would this be able to work?

  6. So I've been reading some H. P. Lovecraft stories and one of those stories is called Herbert West - Reanimator. It got me thinking about the ethics of bringing the dead back to life and how grey these areas often are. If bringing someone back from complete death (brain-dead and other types of death) becomes possible, what would we do with it?

  7. Hey guys, I just finished reading book #2 of the Spirit of Empire series by Lawrence White. It's a pretty dang good series in my opinion. It's kind of a mish mash of politics, science fiction, and action. I definitely recommend it. Happy reads!

  8. 13 hours ago, Raider5678 said:

    Then I'll switch out flathead screw with a wrench to prevent confusion.

    I believe what the world needs is a wrench. Like what you said, a Philips only works on some screws, and a flat head only works on some more screws, but having a tool that can work on all screws. So far, I don't know of anything we creative humans have thought of to create this theoretical wrench. That's what we as a species need to focus on: developing this tool.

  9. 12 hours ago, Frank said:

    How are the torus rings arranged?

    They're arranged one inside of another, like a ring within a ring within a ring, I've considered a cylinder but for the purpose of the project I'm doing it has to be a innovation, not a recreation of the O'Neill Cylinder, very much like the formation you described.

  10. I'm currently creating a theoretical space habitat that would resemble a collection of Torus rings. Now, to keep them away from each other, I'm attaching them by 7 poles of 2219 aluminum on each ring to a motor that rotates them for artificial gravity and slight position adjustments. Now, I still need to do the trig, but I'm wondering if these poles will become stressed by rotations and if they can could withstand losing a pole. I'll get the trig on a soon as possible. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Janus said:

    External gravity will effect the speed and trajectory of your ship

    Would this also affect fuel if it's changing the trajectory and speed? I mean, there's no destination for the rocket, so changing trajectory wouldn't matter. Although, if some extremely large body in space pulled us into a course that would end up colliding with the ship, there would have to be some major plot changes, neh? Asides from that, it would take more fuel to get back to our set speed.

  12. Alright, so, my partner and I are well under way with our science fair project (thanks guys), and we still have some questions. How should we test/replicate/simulate our prior conclusion? Should we equate it? We were thinking of making a graph yet we still need some help. Also, after the fact I realized that no matter where, gravity will always be present. Is this correct? If so, I hear everything creates gravity so it would affect our equations ever so slightly, and fuel requirements would differ based off of that. The question we're tackling is: "How much fuel would it take to sustain standard Earth-like gravity (excluding gradient and launch) for 1000 days in space. It would be fantastic if people can help us. We've given credit to all of www.scienceforums.net, thank you so much! ;)

  13. 19 hours ago, Raider5678 said:

    "Additionally, you'd stop accelerating at 9.81 m/s within a hundred days, long before you reached even 1/3rd the speed of light because the exhaust from the engines would no longer be moving faster then you're moving away from it, resulting in less and less thrust the closer you got to exhaust velocity."

    Day 100: I've escaped the Exhaust, I'm now moving faster than it, but if I slow down they'll catch me again. Those days were torturous, I'm so glad I got away.

  14. I need to run through this with you guys, as well as get suggestions, because I'm painting with a wide brush here. Okay, so, you know how there's all these "chances" around us all the time. As humans, we weigh these risks as we see fit, sometimes misreading and sometimes guessing correctly. Now, place them in a situation where they have the odds: they have a one in three chance to get cancer, or, they have a 1 in around 5 million chance of winning the lottery. Most people underestimate the odds, they believe: "hey, I won't get cancer, not me," whereas people buy lottery tickets because: "hey, there's always that chance," which brings me to my next topic: risk to reward/punishment system. People hate the idea of death, most people fear it, some accept it, and few relish it. Those who fear it believe they are above it, until it smacks them in the face. They unwillingly take the risk of living but there is a 100% chance of death. People try to remain ignorant because they don't like the thought of imminent doom. Give them the chance for riches, no matter the risk, will always tempt and usually attract even the most meek person. They want glory, honor, and most of all, happiness. The thought of death looms above that happiness, so people try to push it away. I don't know what I should do with this stuff in terms of making it science fair ready, but that's what you guys are here for, right? ;)

  15. The force of gravity on Earth is roughly 9.81 m/s, yes? Okay, theoretically, we should be able to either accelerate at that 9.81 m/s for however long we want and it would feel like real gravity. Would this be correct? I understand we could use centrifugal force for the same thing but I'm just brainstorming for a science fair project.

  16. Okay, so, instead of a test style midterm for Science 10 (general sciences) we're making a science fair project. I have no idea what I should do. I was looking into building something but I don't know what. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

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