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  1. For some reason I can't post any comments, so I've made a second account Here's my hand-drawn interpretation of geomagnetic field and atmospheric currents Red shows open magnetospheric field lines, blue is for negative and yellow for positive currents. I've marked only couple flux tubes... I'm pretty sure, that a computer model would make it better. But you don't need a computer code, to understand the mechanics. This is why MHD is so awseome - it can be applied to all environments from micro- to macroscale. You don't even have to prove anything, because MHD is not a theory. But if you ask for references, there's plenty... https://books.google.pl/books?id=bZm3efIPqF0C&pg=PA181&lpg=PA181&dq=geomagnetic+storm+sea+level+pressure&source=bl&ots=E__a6fjZ5m&sig=l2Mk-K-9DUvrYp5cPjuYkJxgptY&hl=pl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjWqLn6v-HWAhXCEVAKHfs_BPQQ6AEISzAH#v=onepage&q&f=false https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19730022041.pdf https://books.google.pl/books?id=JO_BVJnc20sC&pg=PA498&lpg=PA498&dq=flux+transfer+event+atmosphere&source=bl&ots=65lhrfBwjQ&sig=1UWrl0Vgpn76PBDn1VNBhPE1Zxs&hl=pl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj6lPvpvZLYAhUDY1AKHZuGDGk4ChDoAQg4MAM#v=onepage&q=flux transfer event atmosphere&f=false http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2015JA021667/abstract;jsessionid=691223114D8B275B6C6438F6359094BB.f03t03 Look at the dates of publication. And still no one didn't make any attempts, to use it in practice. So, I'm probably the first one. Sadly, as I said before - I'm not a professional scientist. I would need some help from the scientific community. Who should I ask for some advice, in such case?
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