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Doc Who (Jr)

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Posts posted by Doc Who (Jr)

  1. I douldn't find a specific catergory for this, but i was wondering qwould this go under general biology?


    neway when i'm outta skool i wanna do one of two careers Royal Navy or BioChemical Research, i've already had an interview with the carrers advisor at my skool, and i was wondering could neone here gimme a few pointers if they are in this profession? or know someone that is?


    thanks ppl

  2. i dunno why people like this question this kinda psychology its normal aint everyone has different tastes, (i'm a lil young to say this but i dont really like over large but i dont like scrawny lil things either) i for one don't look at the breasts of every female i meet, first of all, i usually look at the eyes and around the facial area THEN i look at the body! but to answer the question? i'd have to say IT'S NATURE!

  3. i always thought it was to do with the fact that from the moment we're born we're dying, our cells slowly EVER so slowly decompose and we don't notice the difference until we have reached the apex of our lives when things go down hill. wat ya think guys?

  4. erm sry to interrupt guys but isn't HETEROsexuality a straight guy/woman? an HOMO sexuality gay/lesbian aint it? after all heteros means opposite and homos means same right? i may be wrong its just i don't understand wat u guys mean lol

  5. i gotta bit of my theory which proves that travelling into the future is very difficult or impossible. so, here we go (btw this may sound a bit obscure): i believe that to travel forward in time you have to kno the sequence in which things are going to happen and (sumhow) move all matter to match the sequence until the sequence you have moved the matter matches the time you want to arrive at. there are two flaws however, i dont know how to move the matter in this way, and the future may always be in motion so we may neva be able to find out the sequence which things are about to happen

  6. well i guess i wasn't really saying my science teachers were stupid wat i meant was the actual class, sum of them are really stupid and btw can neone help me a bit on electron configurations i gotta do it for homework and i finally feel i can settle down with guys like you cos i like the same thing. (but i still don't feel comfortable at the moment cos i kno bugger all compared to u lot)

  7. Yup' date=' I have exactly the same thing! And I'm in top set so have to put up with it or move down and with even dumber people!


    What can ya do?


    people are getting fatter and dumber and crime and violence is up.... pretty screwed up world basically.


    But hey, what can ya do? Go into politics/army/police and try and sort it out or just live your life around em... teach yourself etc. this site is quite good for that, you hear things and then you can just go off and learn about em.


    Just don't lose out coz they are dumb... books and internet and teachers will normally be nice if you talk to em after lessons or in your own time etc.


    You're doing GCSE? Be sooo careful on the courseworks, that's where everyone goes down, you need like 28/30 to get A* and that it soo hard really that IS where you will lose your marks no matter how amazing you are at it, so do it well![/quote']


    well i cant go into army/police cos of my hearing impairment, and i dont want to work in an environment where nobody knos nething bout their job (i.e. politics) so i have decided to aim for a career in science (thats why i joined SFN) yay!!

  8. i have suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch a dumb science class, i wanna move up so im tryna get good grades in my modular exams, i love science but my class is soooooooooo stupid particularly dis girl, she dont even understand periods and atom shells (and this is after her THIRD explanation!!!) neone else have same problem?

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