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  1. Q///Q i don't know how safe it is for me to flat out admit this but... i have been treated for autism all my life and from what i understand is i suffer from an unkown dissorder that seems to share symptomes with every form of brain dissorder in the autism spectrum and varrious features of mental illness including personality dissorders the closest way to describe it is its a form of PDD in wich inhibits the mind from fully maturing or maintaining full conciousness as in a constent lucid dream state and one of the biggest issues i have is not being able to lie even to save my own life for crying out loud T///T so if anybody could throw out a name for this its going to have to be me cause no amount of research is going to fully map my dissorder unless sombody else observes me for a year non stop while taking notes of my behavior so based on what ive learned from my problematic scocil life is that this unknown dissorder i have has an effect on my ability to have common sence and the ability to lie so you can imagine the amount of people who yell at me over the net i call this a distinctionism in wich is a extreemly high functioning disorder that takes pdd. to new hights and ones inteligence quoe but limits the ability to lie, say no, multi task, harbor malice, harber bitterness, and use common sence.... -///- *sighs*
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