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Everything posted by positiveness

  1. Is it possible to force your body to grow taller? Maybe the following information is useless - I am 18 years old
  2. makes much sense, actually. The other problem is that I have visited some coaches and they all say that I have to stop letting it take over my mind(I.e., that I have to let the thoghts/fears go away) but without saying exactly how I am supposed to accomplish this...
  3. Yeah, most of the time. However, I can't sing all the time @Endy0816. @iNow, thanks, I will check it out; it definitely looks interesting but does not that helpful for my situation, I guess. Anyway, I'll check it out and share some thoughts
  4. Hmm, but I have practiced talking all my life. Actually, I have even tried different breathing techniques while talking.... In fact, I have tried to face my fear a lot of times and just tried to let the words come out but without much luck; I really try this many times a day, but each time I just get more sad and frustrated about why my mind chooses to close the airway in my throat when it does not do it in any other scenario than talking directly to another person.
  5. Thanks again.. and well, I do not think it is genetic at all. Nobody from my family has ever had trouble talking, more the opposite...
  6. Thanks for the quick reply @Baron d'Holbach! I will read the article that you have linked, but so your guess is that some sort of social anxienty can be the root of the blocks? Btw., are you also talking about cats, dogs, and similar? Thanks!
  7. Hello dear people, So I don't stutter when talking to anything but humans. I can even send voice messages to friends, record yt videos… But when I talk to another person directly, I block so that the words won’t come up. The “funny” thing is that the only reason I stutter is because I somehow block for any words to come out. As I mentioned before, I do not have any trouble whatsoever when talking to anything but a person, and the stutter that happen when talking to another person is just like when I am not talking to another person and try for fun to not let any words come out by blocking any air to leave but then I can just open up for the air and allow it to leave and let all the words come out smoothly(just like when you try to hold your breath for some time and then release it again). So why can't I just do this when talking to another person when the cause of my stutter(I somehow block the airflow and prohibit words to come out) is something that I just can play with without any trouble, like I can just let the words come out smoothly after I try to close the airway in my throat to not let words come out, when not talking to another person? Thanks! I really appreciate your time.
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