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Everything posted by kpetrov

  1. I was not rly accurate, mine eyelid is a lil bit closed, a rly just a rly bit. I read fine, i have IQ about 120, i replace the letters only when write, and in mine native language, in english i.e. i didnt that.
  2. I just asking, i rly can`t find any information about this. I will be honest, i have a lil bit closed left eye, and i rly often make this with the letters. Yes only info about the second i found is dyslexia, but i just feel that is connected with the eye, sounds very strange maybe, i need to find more. And thank for ur anwear. P.s. i read a lot about the dyslexia, that is used for explanation, i am not those case, i never replace letters when talk, only when write.
  3. Hello first, i am not sciencist. I am interested from some time of one phenomenon, or let say two, but i feel they are connected. I can not find any information about this. First is a case of a lil bit closed eye, and second is the phenomenon of replacing of letters. In example rettels instead of letters.
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