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Green Xenon

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Everything posted by Green Xenon

  1. Hi Pantheory: Thanks for your response. Sorry for my persistence on this topic but I have a question regarding another speculative cure for obesity. Let's assume I’m the average 27-year-old male human. It is well-known that the small intestine contains enterocytes which absorb substances -- such as carbohydrates from foods -- into the bloodstream. Currently, these enterocytes rely on aerobic respiration [from glucose and oxygen via their supply of blood from capillaries]. Here is where the speculative element enters play: the enterocytes of the small intestine develop organelles that rely on solely on homolactate fermentation for energy. Glucose from digested food enters these organelles to provide them with fuel to initiate the homolactate fermentation. Homolactate fermentation does not generate CO2, the patient being treated will not experience any bloating. Each of these organelles converted glucose to lactate at the fastest rate possible. There are also as many of these new organelles as possible without hindering the absorption of nutrients other than carbohydrates. Any simple sugars *other* than glucose [such as fructose and galactose] are digested by these organelles and converted to glucose, which provides energy for these organelles. Any simple sugar -- that would otherwise be absorbed into the bloodstream -- goes through this conversion to glucose. NO amount of glucose or any simple sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream to ANY extent. Equally *important* is that the waste product of fermentation [i.e. lactate] is not at all absorbed into the bloodstream, instead, all of the lactate molecules are pumped out of these organelles and back into the small intestine. These molecules of lactate are then excreted in the stool via the colon. These homolactate-fermenting organelles do NOT receive any glucose from the blood, but instead feed on the glucose resulting from ingestion of digestible carbohydrates. If, for whatever reason, these organelles are not receiving a sufficient amount of glucose -- such as if/when the patient fasts -- they don't die or experience any damage to any extent. Instead, these organelles enter a metabolically-inactive [dormant] state. When glucose is again present, these organelles will resume their process of converting glucose to lactate. These organelles only die when the attached enterocyte dies. After the programmed cells death [apoptosis] of the current enterocytes, new enterocytes will germinate. These new enterocytes will keep sprouting those glucose-eating organelles so this conversion of simple carbohydrates to lactate will continue for the rest of my life. Last -- but not least -- these organelles have another function. They completely prevent the entry of the following substances into the enterocytes: 1. Glycerol 2. Cholesterol 3. Saturated fatty acids As soon as any of the above 3 molecules enter any organelle, the organelle channels the undesired molecule out and back into the small intestine to be excreted in the stools via the colon. This will decrease the concentration of cholesterol and LDL in the bloodstream. Let's say my small intestine suddenly experiences the above metamorphosis. In addition, let's say I take part in the optimum/ideal amounts, durations, intensities, and repetitions of strength-training, flexibility-training -- [such as stretching], and body-building exercises with the optimum/ideal amount of rest in between workouts. However, I do absolutely *no* cardiovascular or aerobic exercises. Let's also say that my diet consists solely of Italian and Indian sweets/desserts along with fruits covered in dairy cream. In addition, instead of eating 3 large meals a day, I eat very many amounts of very small variable-sized meals a day in such a manner that I get the ideal amount of protein per day for my muscular health. Last but not least, the meal sizes vary such that the 1st meal of the day is the largest, and the last meal of the day is the smallest. As the day goes on each meal gets smaller. This routine is similar to the "eats breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper" type of meal plan, except that is involves much larger amounts of much smaller meals. In terms of water, I also get drink the ideal/optimum amount for health [including muscle strength/size]. I also get the optimum amount of sleep each night and wake up at 5:00 AM each morning. Now, it's obvious that fruits as well as sweets/desserts of any kind tend to be rather low in protein. This means that if I'm getting the ideal amount of protein from such foods, the result will be an extreme excess of lactate in the colon. Final note: All the foods I consume are completely natural and organic. They do not involve any entity -- such as pesticides or industrial pollutants -- that would cause them to be considered un-natural or non-organic. No trans fats or margarine either. Lot's of butter and cream, though!! What will happen if I start and maintain this lifestyle -- in terms of diet and exercise -- after my small intestine goes through the aforementioned changes? Here are my guesses. 1. Due to lack of glucose in the bloodstream, the body will be forced to use fat for energy and I will eventually lose all of my adipoctyes. The central nervous system will use ketones for energy, as a substitute for glucose. 2. Since body fat will be lost, my breasts will no longer be noticeable when clothed [even men have some amount of visible breast tissue!]. In addition, I will have a hard time sitting due to the absence of fat in my buttocks. 3. My muscle mass will increase -- due to the above diet and exercise regime. 4. Diarrhea due to colonic irritation caused by the acidity of lactate. 5. Steatorrhea due to presence of excessive glycerol, cholesterol, and saturated fatty acids in the stool What else would happen with me in this speculative situation? How long would I survive? What disadvantages would I experience other than #2, #4, and #5 of my above guesses? Thanks again, GX
  2. Hi: I asked a similar speculative question before but am still obsessed with hi-tech measures to treat obesity. I apologize profusely if anyone is annoyed. The following is a theoretical cure of obesity I’m brainstorming about. The patient’s small intestine is populated by hypothetical synthetic bacteria that fit all the following characteristics: 1. Not gram-negative 2. Free of lipopolysaccharide 3. Non-pathogenic 4. Aerotolerant-anaerobic 5. Non-allergenic 6. Use homolactic acid fermentation as their only source of energy. These bacteria are present in a pill the patient ingests. These bacteria are designed so that they specifically feed solely on all carbohydrates [in meals that that the patient eats] that will directly on indirectly cause a rise in blood sugar – without affecting other carbohydrates. The bacteria breakdown all these unwanted carbohydrates -- including galactose -- to glucose and then ferment the glucose completely into lactate. Each bacterium converts glucose to lactate at the highest-possible rate. In the unlikely event that the patient ingests glucose, these bacteria will immediately ferment the glucose to lactate. Since homolactate fermentation does not generate gases – such as CO2 – the patient will not experience the bloating that would occur in other types of fermentations. Due to lack of glucose in the bloodstream, the body will be forced to use fat for energy and patient will eventually lose all of his/her adipoctyes. The central nervous system will use ketones for energy, as a substitute for glucose. End result: the patient is no longer obese. However, nothing is without drawbacks. Here are two that I immediately envision: 1. Breasts will disappear 2. Patient will difficulty sitting down due to absence of the fat that would otherwise protect the buttocks Are there anymore *medical* or *cosmetic* disadvantages to this hypothetical treatment of obesity? Thanks, GX
  3. Hi: I currently daydream of a hypothetical food product. This product is vegan-friendly and has all the vegetables, fruits, herbs, algae, mushrooms, seaweed, and other non-animal organisms that are necessary/beneficial for human health. It also contains beneficial and essential microbes [such as probiotics and the Red Star T-6635+ yeast which is a vegan-friendly source of B12]. All the aforementioned organisms are in amounts and proportions optimum for human health. This product is completely organic and free of any pesticides, synthetic ethylene and other man-made substances that compromise the heath of foods and their human consumers. In addition, no organisms used in the product are genetically-engineered or irradiated. Equally important is the environment used to grow these organisms is healthy, organic, and free of pollutants. Prior to the making of this product, all proteins & fats are pre-digested completely, and the following substances are completely removed from the concoction: 1. Any carbohydrate that raises blood sugar. Soluble fibers [such as inulin] are not removed at all as they don't count as net carbs. Simple sugars and digestible starches are completely removed. Insoluble carbohydrates [such as cellulose] are also completely removed. 2. Glycerol 3. Saturated fatty acids 4. Trans fatty acids 5. Hydrogen ions [to decrease acidity/increase alkalinity of the product] 6. Any substance that is known not to be beneficial or necessary for health -- such as the caffeine in coffee/teas and ephedrine in ephedra All organisms used in this product -- excluding tomatoes -- are raw. Tomatoes are boiled to bring out the lycopenes. Bad minerals [such as lead and thallium] are completely removed [assuming any of them happen to somehow be in the product. The concentration of sodium is decreased until it is as low as it can get without causing any symptoms of sodium deficiency. The concentration of chlorine* is decreased until it is as low as possible without causing any serious symptoms of chlorine* deficiency – the consumer should still be able to move, walk, talk, drive, operate machinery and perform others tasks normally taken for granted. To further decrease the acidity/increase the alkalinity of the product, hydronium ions are de-protonated and the resulting free-protons are removed. Also, any existing chemical in the product with a pH below 7 is deprotonated until its pH rises to 7. It is important to understand that chlorine* deficiency will cause the body to react by excreting potassium, leading to potassium deficiency. To make up for this potassium loss, additional potassium ions are added to the product. In addition, this product has no carbohydrate that would cause any increase in blood sugar. As a result, ketosis will set in. Ketosis provides ketones which the central nervous system can use for energy in place of glucose. However, these ketones cause the body to become acidic. To neutralize this resulting acidity, potassium hydroxide is added to the product. Yes, KOH is added but in amounts that are small enough not to cause chemical burns or other injuries to the consumer. The product has drinking water added to it to make it easier to drink. This product is in small health-friendly, eco-friendly bottles. Five bottles per day should be consumed. The bottles are in a package and are of different sizes. The biggest bottle should be consumed in the morning. The smallest should be consumed in the evening. In between, are bottles of different sizes. Earlier in the day, the bigger bottles should be consumed and as the day progresses the smaller bottles should be consumed. This routine follows the saying eat breakfast link a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper -- except the food is divided into 5 smaller meals instead of 3 bigger meals. This is an extra benefit to diabetes patients. To summarize, the substances in the product are chopped all the way down to the molecular level [tomatoes are boiled prior to this]. Second, the proteins/fats are pre-digested all the way down to their monomers [amino acids in the case of proteins, fatty acids & glycerol in the case of fats]. Third, the undesirable substances are removed. Fourth, good microbes, KOH, potassium ions, and drinking water are added. Finally, all the substances are blended together. *Chlorine is a mineral that is present – in the form of chloride – in the human body and in certain foods. It is required only in trace amounts. There still will be fat in this product, it's just that they will be broken down to fatty acids [and the glycerol portions removed] prior to bottling. Many fatty acids are necessary and/or beneficial for health. They also assist in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. In addition, these beneficial/essential fatty acids can provide ketones which are the body’s chief source of energy in the absence of glucose. It is very important to understand that removal of undesired substances from this hypothetical product does *not* require or involve the addition of any chemicals. Here is my question. How long could the average 28-year-old adult male human survive on this product alone with an addition of eight 8-oz glasses of pure “drinking water” a day [total of 64 oz]? What symptoms would he experience once he starts drinking this product [and not eating anything else] and drinks at least eight 8 oz glasses of pure “drinking water” a day? What symptoms after 7 days of this routine? A month? A year? My guess is that there would be alkalosis. Alkalosis would suppress the respiratory system [because the body would react to the alkalosis by calling for CO2 to neutralize the alkalinity]. This would lead to oxygen deficiency. As a result there would be an increase in red blood cells to make up for this lack of oxygen. Thanks, GX
  4. Ok, I change my mind. I now think of using that same designer bug [with some -- not all -- of the aforementioned characteristics possible] as a replacement for a gastric bypass. In no part of this treatment does the bacterium [or it's waste products] enter the bloodstream. This strain of bacteria is taken orally via a pill. It survives the acidity of the stomach. In the small intestine is where the action takes place. The small intestine contains villi which absorb digested nutrients into the bloodstream. The bacterial cells present in the strain form a one-cell-thick matrix around these villi and become part of the villis' cells. Once the formation of the matrix is complete, the bacteria stop reproducing but still remain metabolically-active. These bacteria allow anything that would normally enter the villi to enter. However, there is an exception: Glycemic carbohydrates. A glycemic carbohydrate is a carbohydrate that directly or indirectly raises blood sugar. Fibers maybe carbohydrates, however they are *not* 'glycemic' and hence will not be affected by these therapeutic bacteria. The bacterial cells capture molecules of these glycemic carbohydrates. The bacteria then digest these carbs to glucose. These bacteria then use the glucose for energy to perform there activities. These bacteria use homolactic-acid-fermentation as the only source of energy -- as a result, they don't generate any CO2. The only waste product resulting from this fermentation is lactic acid. The bacteria then pump the lactate molecules out of their cells and into the small intestine to ensure than none of the lactate enters the bloodstream. Once the aforementioned bacterial matrix is formed [on the villi], these bacteria begin consuming any glyemic carbs that the patient has ingested. Next, these bacteria crank their fermentation to a rate that is as fast as possible. This means the rate at which glucose is fermented to lactate will be as fast as allowed by the laws of science with limitations provided by the fact that the matrix is only one-cell-thick. Due to lack of glucose in the bloodstream, the body will be forced to use fat for energy and patient will eventually lose all of his/her adipose tissues. The central nervous system will use ketones for energy, as a substitute for glucose.
  5. Hi: I would like to treat obesity in such a manner that allows patients to eat whatever they want and not perform any physical exercise -- and STILL lose all the unwanted body fat. This would involve the use of bio-engineered bacteria made from the smallest naturally-existing aerotolerant-anaerobic bacterium that has all the following qualities: 1. Not gram-negative 2. Free of lipopolysaccharide 3. Non-pathogenic 4. Does not produce or contain any exo- or endo-toxins 5. Is non-allergenic 6. Uses homolactic-acid-fermentation – not respiration – for energy. This form of fermentation does not generate CO2. An obese patient is injected with medical bacteria that eats blood glucose and -- via homolactic fermentation -- converts this glucose to lactic acid w/out generating any CO2. However, there are several rules to follow: 1. A sufficient amount of bacterial cells must be injected into the patient's bloodstream 2. The bacteria must be alive and metabolically-active but must NOT reproduce in the patient's body as this would eventually cause a dangerous increase in blood pressure and volume. Genetic-engineering can alter the bacteria so that they stop reproducing in response to serum-specific proteins. Or, these bacteria can be modified so that they don't reproducing unless exposed to light of a certain wavelength. This light can be used as a signal to tell these bacteria to reproduce. I'll have to brainstorm more on this. 3. The patient's immune system must not react to the presence of these bacteria 4. The bacteria must not enter any part of the patient's body excluding the bloodstream. 5. The bacterial cells must not have a limited life span when not subjected to lethal conditions 6. The rate at which the bacteria convert glucose to lactic acid should start of at a safely-low rate and then gradually increase in a safe manner to the fastest rate that the bacteria can perform this conversion. If this conversion is initially too fast, the body will go into shock from the extreme acidity. Over time, the body can increase its efficiency in which it de-acidifies the body -- this is done by the liver. 7. The bacteria must NOT feed on body proteins -- including those in the blood. Instead they should produce their own structural and functional proteins from amino acids in the bloodstream that are present from what the patient eats. Because the bacteria are not reproducing, they won't need the large amounts of protein that would cause the patient to be deficient in protein. 8. The bacteria must not form any colonies or biofilms in the body. There must be no adhesion to any surface of the blood vessels. 9. If this bacteria spread from the patient to another person, the other person's immune system must attack these bacteria. This means each obese patient must have their own therapeutic strain of bacteria for themselves. Prior to making a strain for each patient, the bacterium needs to be genetically-altered in such a way that his/her immune system doesn't attack but another person's immune system will attack at. This measure is necessary to prevent the contagious spread of this bacterium. So, here is what I can visualize: The patient in injected with syringes of liquid consisting only of the therapeutic bacteria and pure-H20. There are a sufficient amount of bacterial cells in the liquid to make the liquid as viscous as healthy human blood. The patient needs to receive sufficient injections of this fluid. Once this happens, the patient's serum has these bacteria flowing with the blood. The bacteria stay in the serum of the bloodstream only and do not leave the bloodstream, nor do they enter any of the blood cells. These bacteria start fermenting the glucose as soon as they are injected into the bloodstream and solely produce lactic acid as a by-product. However, the amount of glucose molecules fermented to lactic acid in initially insignificant. Gradually, however, the rate at which glucose molecules convert to lactic acid increases to the point where the patient's body will no longer have enough glucose for energy. Eventually, these bacteria increase their rate fermentation to the point where the patient couldn't eat enough glucose to provide any support for metabolism no matter how many sweets or desserts he/she feasts on. As this fermentation increases, the body will start to break down adipose fat for energy via lipolysis. This process will result in the production of ketones. Ketones can provide energy for the central nervous system which could otherwise only use glucose for energy. As the result the patient will ultimately lose all adipose fat -- both visceral and subcutaneous. So here is my question: Is it possible for a bacterial cell to be alive and metabolically-active – without reproducing – such that my futuristic anti-obesity treatment is effective for as long as the patient is alive? Thanks, GX
  6. Ok, in that case, let's forget about the idea of attacking any type of lipoprotein. Instead, let's concentrate on using therapeutic bacteria to convert glucose to lactic acid. With all the glucose molecules being fermented to lactic acid, the patient's body will be forced to switch to fat and ketones for fuel. This will cause the body to completely breakdown all stores of fat and obesity will end. Here is my question. Is it possible for bacterial cells to remain alive and metabolically active without reproducing? If so, how do I make them that way? Also, how to alter the starter bacterium [which will be engineered to produce strains] so that it does not evoke an immune response from the patient? In addition, this "alteration" would have to be done for each patient.
  7. Only attack bad lipoproteins. The HDL [the good lipoprotein], is left unaffected.
  8. My idea is to treat obesity while allowing patients to eat whatever they want and not do any physical exercise -- and STILL lose all the unwanted body fat. Think of it. An obese patient is injected with medical bacteria that eats blood glucose and -- via homolactic fermentation -- converts this glucose to lactic acid w/out generating any CO2. As However, there are several rules to follow: 1. A sufficient amount of bacterial cells must be injected into the patient's bloodstream 2. The bacteria must be alive and metabolically-active but must NOT reproduce in the patient's body as this would eventually cause a dangerous increase in blood pressure and volume. Genetic-engineering can alter the bacteria so that they stop reproducing in response to serum-specific proteins. Or, these bacteria can be modified so that they don't reproducing unless exposed to light of a certain wavelength. This light can be used as a signal to tell these bacteria to reproduce. I'll have to brainstorm more on this. 3. The patient's immune system must not react to the presence of these bacteria 4. The bacteria must not enter any part of the patient's body excluding the bloodstream. 5. The bacterial cells must not have a limited life span when not subjected to lethal conditions 6. The rate at which the bacteria convert glucose to lactic acid should start of at a safely-low rate and then gradually increase in a safe manner to the fastest rate that the bacteria can perform this conversion. If this conversion is initially too fast, the the body will go into shock from the extreme acidity. Over time, the body can increase it's efficiency in which it de-acidifies the body -- this is done by the liver. 7. The bacteria must NOT feed on body proteins -- including those in the blood. Instead they should produce their own structural and functional proteins from amino acids in the bloodstream that are present from what the patient eats. Because the bacteria are not reproducing, they won't need the large amounts of protein that would cause the patient to be deficient in protein. 8. The bacteria must not form any colonies or biofilms in the body. There must be no adhesion to any surface of the blood vessels. 9. If this bacteria spread from the patient to another person, the other person's immune system must attack these bacteria. This means each obese patient must have their own therapeutic strain of bacteria for themselves. Prior to making a strain for each patient, the bacterium needs to be genetically-altered in such a way that his/her immune system doesn't attack but another person's immune system will attack at. This measure is necesssary to prevent the contagious spread of this bacteria. So, here is what I can visualize: The patient in injected with syringes of liquid consisting only of the therapeutic bacteria and pure-H20. There are a sufficient amount of bacterial cells in the liquid to make the liquid as viscous as healthy human blood. The patient needs to receive sufficient injections of this fluid. Once this happens, the patient's serum has these bacteria flowing with the blood. The bacteria stay in the serum of the bloodstream only and do not leave the bloodstream, nor do they enter any of the blood cells. These bacteria start fermenting the glucose as soon as they are injected into the bloodstream and solely produce lactic acid as a by-product. However, the amount of glucose molecules fermented to lactic acid in initially insignificant. Gradully, however, the rate at which glucose molecules convert to lactic acid increases to the point where the patient's body will no longer have enough glucose for energy. Eventually, these bacteria increase their rate fermentation to the point where the patient couldn't eat enough glucose to provide any support for metabolismn no matter how much sweets or desserts he/she feasts on. As this fermentation increases, the body will start to break down adipose fat for energy via lipolysis. This process will result in the production of ketones. Ketones can provide energy for the central nervous system which could otherwise only use glucose for energy. As the result the patient will ultimately lose all adipose fat -- both visceral and subcutaneous. I would like to invent this as a treatment for obesity. This can assist obese patients who "want to bake their cake and eat it", literally Any suggestions?
  9. Hi: I've read that homolactic-acid fermentation does not produce CO2. Are there any other types of CO2-free fermentation pathways? Also, is it possible to generate any of the following byproducts -- solely via anaerobic fermentation -- without producing CO2?: 1. Acetoin 2. Diacetyl 3. Butyrate 4. Valerate 5. Caproate 6. Propionate 7. Isovalerate 8. Isobutyrate 9. Acetate Thanks, GX
  10. Sorry for my late response. 1. Yes, a male -- regardless of age -- should treat adult women better than adult men 2. In a public place, boys are far more likely to face all forms of abuse [from adult men and older adolescent boys] than girls. This includes sexual assault. 3. Yes, any instinctive/innate pro-female sexism a man would have applies only to adult females. It is NOT innate/instinctive for him to extend this sexism to girl-children. If he does do this, it is because he has been taught to do this by society, not because he is wired like that. 4. No. It is *not* natural for a human to kill a child of a different family. For some species -- such as lions -- it is, but not for humans. 5. Regarding my "third point", there are more adult male criminals than adult female criminals.
  11. Here is why adult women should be treated "better" than adult men. On average, the adult woman: 1. Is physically weaker than the adult man 2. Is more emotional than the adult man 3. Is better behaved than the adult man 4. Is far more likely to be a victim of opposite-gender violence [e.g. violence may be sexual, domestic, or spousal abuse] than the adult man 5. Can get or be pregnant whereas the adult man can't 6. Is physically more delicate than the adult man Also, it is likely natural for a man to want to treat an adult woman partially over an adult man -- this is seen in many mammalian species. For example in many species of large mammals -- such as bison --, the adult males are rough with each other but tender with the adult females.
  12. Obviously, I have nothing against "good manners". As I've endlessly-stated, males of all ages should treat adult women "better" than adult men -- "adult" meaning ages 18 and above. It's when a male -- of any age -- is expected [by society] to publicly-extend this "pro-female" sexism to girl-children that I find it very illogical. Also, I don't find "lack of masculinity" to be "bad manners". If a man is weak, soft, sensitive, emotional, delicate, lacks muscles, and talks in a high-pitched voice, so what? There is nothing ill-mannered about that. Also, I've endlessly-stated, there is nothing "effeminate" about these characteristics. Lack of masculinity does not necessarily equate to effeminacy. As I said before, I'm genderless in terms of what is considered [by the rational mature scientific community] to be "masculine" or "feminine". Just because I have a certain organ "down there", does not mean society should have certain illogical expectations of me.
  13. Let's say my idea is put into use. Do you see any drawbacks that I haven't listed or discussed?
  14. With a logical, rational, caring individual like me, it should be a piece of cake to be my friend. However, I'm strongly against society's idiotic gender stereotypes -- this is where associating with me in public can be a bit embarrassing. I wish non-disabled adult humans beings would stop acting like immature hormonal teenagers. Whether or not he's trying to pull my strings, I've seen his behavior around children. He clearly *does* treat girls "better" than boys. Like I said, this appears -- at least to me -- as a vicious victim-perpetrator cycle. Dad treated his sister better than him, so he is going to treat his daughter better than his son. I've shown him evidence. He shuts me up by saying cruel things like "I don't care", "no one talks about these things", "this is not a healthy conversation", "moving on", "no one gives a ****", etc. etc. As unmanly as I am, I'm not at all girly at all. I'm more or less gender-neutral. Equally important is that while I may not be interested in dating women, I have absolutely no sexual or romantic attraction to any males.
  15. 1. My friend is a macho heartless jerk who gives into his desire to impress women. He takes out his frustration on me because I'm warm-hearted and compassionate -- qualities the cause him to view me an easy target. 2. This jerk is part of the victim-perpetrator cycle. He seems to enjoy the tormenting others with the same discrimination he suffered as a child. He tells me that he wants to have a family of two older daughters and one younger son. He says he'll give the daughters all the protective treatment while neglecting his son and "toughening him" up. 3. He believes the stupid gender-bias myth that a little girl needs more protection than a little boy of the same age because "she is more likely to be raped than him" [his own words]. For perpetuating such irrational gender stereotypes, I lose a LOT of respect I would otherwise have for him. Prior to adolescence, boys are just as -- if not more -- likely to be raped than girls. 4. He is also paranoid about society perceiving him as gay. When he hangs out with me, he always comments on how my mannerisms are effeminate. He is worried-sick that if he hangs out with a 'girly-man' like me ["girly" by society's and his definition] that people will think me and him are a gay couple. First and foremost, I disagree with him that I'm effeminate; I maybe unmasculine but there is nothing about me that is feminine. Society seems to equate lack of masculinity with effeminacy and also equates this "effeminacy" with "gayness". These are irrational stereotypes. Personally, I don't care if society sees me as lady-like or homosexual. What's his problem? I don't understand. 5. His desire to impress women really affects me negatively. Me and him sometimes visit clubs and lounges and he attempts to impress the ladies. He blames me for his lack of ability to get those women. He say my effeminacy causes these ladies to think I'm a "goof ball" and because he is hanging out with me, they don't "give him a second look". First of all, I don't care what those ladies think. I go only to accompany my friend, not to pick up gals. I'm not going to change my "lack of manliness" just so this imbecile can get laid. He should accept me for who I am. So just WHY do I continue to associate with this piece of garbage? Well, I have Asperger's syndrome and he is one of the few people I'm friends with at all. Also, I must give him credit for introducing me to new people, giving me a social life, and expanding my social circle. Other than that, however, he is nuisance.
  16. 1. There would be drawbacks but they would preferable over the horrors of obesity and the aforementioned diseases associated with it. 2. The patient's immune system needs to be tricked into "thinking" these bacteria are part of his/her body. 3. I'd love to be one of the guinea pigs
  17. Hi: I have a medical sci-fi question. Let’s say I’m a 27-year-old man who is completely healthy, physically-invincible, and totally-immortal. All the A-delta fiber nociceptors supplying the peripheral somatic tactile *afferent* nerves in my body are stimulated by a magical source. They are all stimulated at the same time. The intensity to which they are stimulated [measured by their firing rate or frequency] are all in sync with each other. This intensity of stimulation starts of to small-enough extent that the effects are not noticeable. In a smooth, sine-wave-like manner this intensity gradually increases such that it reaches the maximum possible in 30 minutes. After this, the intensity decreases in the same sine-wave like manner and eventually reaches zero after another 30 minutes passes. What symptoms would I experience when the above stimulation is at maximum intensity? Here is my guess as to what symptoms I’d experience: 1. The release of pain-relieving endorphins -- due to neurological simulation of severe injuries. Extreme injuries tends to be painless due to this mechanism and in this case, the neuroendocrine systems in my body would be tricked into believing a serious physical attack has occurred. 2. Impaired ability access memories of this experience due to extreme emotions resulting from it. The stimulation of aforementioned A-delta fiber nociceptors would cause extreme psychological trauma. Emotionally-tagged memories are difficult to access later on in life because the brain represses them. 3. Hallucinations, psychedelic states, dissociation, delirium, out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences and other mental disturbances -- due to other chemicals released as a result of the excitation of the said A-delta fiber nociceptors. Do I guess right? Other facts: The more intense a stimulus, the higher the firing rate of the neurons in a sensory receptor. It’s important to note that sensory receptors in *efferent* nerves of any kind are NOT directly stimulated to any extent. Equally important is the *C-fiber* nociceptors throughout my body remain completely un-stimulated. Tactile = Pertaining only to sense of touch [including temperature, pressure, pain, tickle, vibrations, movement, position, location etc.]. *Not* including any visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory perceptions or any sensations associated with the sense of balance. Peripheral = pertaining only to the peripheral nervous system and not the central nervous system. Somatic = pertaining only to the somatic nervous system and not the visceral, autonomic, or enteric nervous systems http://courses.washington.edu/conj/sensory/pain.htm Quotes from the above site: "An A-delta fiber responds to either mechanical stimuli or temperature stimuli in the painful realm and produces the acute sensation of sharp, bright pain." "By contrast, a C fiber can respond to a broad range of painful stimuli, including mechanical, thermal or metabolic factors. The pain produced is slow, burning, and long lasting." Thanks, GX
  18. This thread is usually is unusually silent. I hope I'm not boring or annoying anyone with the subject of this thread. I, however, find this topic interesting. Obesity and the ailments that go with it -- such as hypertension, diabetes, high LDL blood cholesterol, atherosclerosis -- can be treated using these genetically-engineered strains of bacteria. Let's add another strain of bacteria to each of the 3 groups of 8 categories. This 3 strains will feed on glycerol in the patients bloodstream. Glycerol is unnecessary calories. So what's wrong with just diet and exercise? Here's the problem. I'm one of the few who has the will power to control my temptation to eat junk food. There are so many individual who want to bake their cake and eat it [literally and figuratively]. That's who my bacteria are for. As a result, obesity is an epidemic -- especially in America. Patients who are injected with these strains of bacteria will not longer have issues of obesity and issues associated with it. The bacteria will keep the bad lipids -- and the toxic by-products of lipid metabolism -- at a low-enough concentration to ensure the blood is clean; this will treat atherosclerosis and prevent the acidosis resulting from lipolysis. In addition, these bacteria will keep the amounts of glucose low enough to force the body to burn fat -- directly treating obesity. Finally, the decrease in body weight will cause the previously-high blood pressure to drop to normal. In addition to treatment, these bacterial strains can also be used to prevent obesity and it's associated ailments. Currently I have two concerns here: 1. The build-up of lactic acid in the bloodstream caused by the bacterial anaerobic respiration. 2. Since these bacteria and obligate-anaerobes, they will die when they enter the oxygenated blood present in pulmonary veins and non-pulmonary arteries. This will cause the spleen to be put under stress because it's duty is to remove dead cells from the body.
  19. Ironically, my friend was traumatized by this. He has a sister a couple of years older than him. From his earliest memories, he recalls his sister scratching him on the face, making him cry. To this day, he still has scars on his face from those scratches. According to him, his father always took her side and blamed him whenever she physically-attacked him. From what he tells me, his dad has this strong irrational belief that a girl-child is good luck and should never be made upset under any condition. Mom was impartial, though. As for making his own decisions, I could care less. My problem is that he keeps bugging me about the results of his stupid choices especially after I warned him to stay single. Note that I did my part and cautioned him about the disadvantages of being in a relationship. In some cases [such as this], you to don't need to experience an event to know about it.
  20. 1. This "attack" was aimed at that friend of mine who does stupid things and then whines to me about the unwanted consequences of his actions. He complains to me despite the fact that I warned him to stay single. When someone is cautioned against a certain action, performs the action, and then throws a hissy-fit about the results -- I find it a bit of a nuisance. 2. I may not have experience in relationships. However, I can get a clear idea of what most relationships are like by reading about them.
  21. Sort of OT but I'll discuss anyways... I believe any male who is currently a virgin and free of offspring -- biological or adopted -- should remain that way. This will indirectly result in the end of the gender-discrimination I speak of. I don't wish to have children because I'm scared to death that they will be traumatized if/when society treats them differently according to gender. No child deserves this mistreatment. I don't want to marry anyone or be in any relationship because the other person may want children. I plan to remain single for the rest of my life. Also, regardless of the offspring issue, relationships can get VERY nasty. I've never experienced it myself but I read about it in the newspaper and it ain't pretty. There are risks in life, some I'm willing to accept, others -- such as relationships and having kids -- I prefer to avoid. I suggest all other male humans do the same. I have a friend who I've known since middle school. I hate to say this but he it a total idiot. He found this woman who he fell in love with. I warned him to remain single. I cautioned him about the brutal reality of relationship gone wrong. Sadly, he gave into lust and got with that lady. He absolutely *refused* control his emotions of romance and sexuality. Now he suffers deeply. To be honest though, I have NO sympathy for him at ALL. He brought this misery upon himself. He's now trying desperately to sever all ties with her but it isn't working. She physically beats him up. He has bruises and scratches on him. Once again, I don't pity him in the *least* because he put himself in this situation. Now, and only now, this friend of mine wants my help! He keeps troubling me about how his ex-girlfriend harasses him. He just doesn't get the fact that I DON'T CARE! Sure him and I go back to middle school. So what? He brought the abuse on himself by indulging in his desire to be with a woman. I'm a heterosexual man and just as energetic [in "that" manner] as most men. However, I'm smart, rational, and logical enough NOT to perform any sexual activities other than solitary masturbation [sorry if this is TMI but I need to get my point across]. I'm intelligent enough to understand the results of my actions. I wisely choose to do what is right. Apparently my friend is too stupid. An analogy to my friend, would be a morbidly-obese individual who snacks on twinkies throughout the day and the whines that he/she isn't losing weight. Again, did this to yourself, no one forced you. I wish all males thought like me. Besides, overpopulation is a current epidemic that will lead to another WW. For the men who are already in relationships as I write this, good luck, idiot. If you already have children -- biological or step -- good luck, idiot. If you've already gotten a woman pregnant, good luck, idiot. On the other hand, if you fit the category of male is currently a virgin and free of offspring, please remain that way and life will be a lot LESS unpleasant. I apologize profusely if this topic is inappropriate but I'm just sick and tired of my friend's self-destructive desires to impress women, get laid, and have children -- because he complains about the results of his willful actions. If most men are like him, then what a stupid world this is.
  22. Ok. I was more interested in the science of what could go wrong. Even if the microbes are beneficial? 6. Uses fermentation – not respiration – for energy 7. Does NOT generate CO2
  23. Too boring. Best invent something to make life more interesting. So again, I ask, what would be the medical disadvantages of this bacterial therapy?
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