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Everything posted by GrandMasterK

  1. But if it did, wouldn't it be going faster then the speed of light to an outside viewer?
  2. Lol math is my worst subject, I dont understand any of that. Equations terrify me. Dont Star Trek or Star Wars or something have something to do with hyperspace travel. Got no idea what hyperspace even is, all I know is stars move by unrealistically fast and they never run into them.
  3. Another quick question, do we have a measurement for the force of gravity? I was just curious how much force it takes for a black hole to suck in light and about how fast it sucks things in. For instance, humans get pulled down to earth at like 130MPH or so? how fast would I get pulled into a black hole?
  4. Thanks Roy, there's no concievable way of making even a photon move faster in a vacuum? What's Star Trek and Star Wars' excuse? I saw in a magazine once (think it was scientific american) about negative particles, anti something or others? If those exist would they have a negative mass and give reason to believe they can go faster then the speed of light or is it one of those things that dont exactly exist in the universe and even if they did you just cant prove that their there (like dark matter)? I don't know what a graviton is, hopefully I'll be able to find it in a thread.
  5. 1.If I'm on a train that is moving along at the speed of light or a couple hundred miles an hour under, if I shot a gun what would happen? Would the bullet not fire? Would it in fact do what bullets do which is come out of the gun at over 1,000MPH + whatever speed your traveling? 2. What's the force behind light? why does it move, what makes it move, why can we slow it down but not speed it up? Is it a wave or a particle? (I dont fully understand how waves work). 3. Why is the speed of light the determining factor on the limit in speed? For instance, if light was only as fast as 1MPH, we wouldn't be able to move faster then 1MPH right? Why is that is my question. Is there any reason to think the way things move is in a fixed ratio of the speed of light? For instance, light goes 669,000,000MPH, so lets compare it to an object that moves 66,900,000MPH. In a universe where light only moves 10MPH, would that object move 1MPH? 4. If it takes all the energy in the universe to have enough force to move something at the speed of light, why does light move as fast as it does? My guess is that it's weightless but then that confuses me towards light slowing down in different mediums. Atleast, I take it, you cant outrun light in any medium?
  6. Well I fell asleep before I could get my answer and MAN did I sleep, atleast 12 hours. Well thanks for answering, im glad I didnt wake up dead, I dont plan on dying until the 23rd century.
  7. I need to fall asleep before 2 a.m. central so i'm not tired when I have to get up. Well I can only ever fall asleep when im tired. I took 3 Tylenol PMs to get me tired, and man they work very well, they make me feel like I haven't slept in 3 days. Well I forgot I took them because only 15 minutes went by and they didn't kick in and I didn't realize until after I got another 3 (drank it down with coca-cola) and headed back up to my room that I had already taken some. Not usually in my nature to forget something like that I guess my mind was to much on what im working on. My question is, did I take a dangerous amount? Right now is about 15 minutes after I took the last 3 and yes im very tired. My chest feels alittle weird but it might just be cause im kind of nervous. To be specific it's Tylenol PM extra strength. I've taken 6 in the span of half an hour, I'm 6'3 and weigh about 220 pounds.
  8. Wow I love how you guys take the ball and run with it. No one remarked on my high speed black hole repetition idea so im assuming it's ridiculously stupid.
  9. I'd really like that "what is a wave" question answered because I dont understand things like: how does light travel? Are all waves (Electromagnetic etc) light waves, because I know they travel at the light speed, but once again I have no idea what makes them travel?
  10. Light is a wave right? Are there any kinds of waves that are human created? Im guessing waves dont have any mass on account of the whole infinite mass thing inwhich case light speed wouldnt be light speed, sooo will we ever be able to do something like turn a particle into a wave and blast it away somehow. Im not even sure what the heck a wave is as far as it's psyhical presence in the universe. The Force behind magnets is a wave right? What if you could make a giant magnet the size of Jupiter and place another one say 2 million miles away and they were both opposites. And im talkin about as much magnetic force as you can fit into an object that size. I know they'd go faster then the speed of light despite how big they are because like you said, infinite mass. But could you mimic the force of a blackhole using magnetic waves or artificial gravity and pull a wave in faster then the speed of light. If you could do something wild like have a spaceship that creates and destroys blackholes say...exactly a mile away or however much space you need and did it so fast you dont even know it's happening, like a million times a second or whatever makes sense mathematically. So it's created, pulls you, gets destroyed before you run into it, another one gets created and so on and so fourth. So lets say, your in a space ship and you flick a switch and it starts the black hole process while simultaneously turning the ship into nothing but a wave so the black holes pull you along. Wait a minute, no one ever said black holes pull light in faster then the speed of light, just that light cant escape..... Can anybody work off that idea and make it make sense. Ignoring the fact that we wouldnt be able to make it. I've never heard anybody say anything about light being pushed to go faster so I figure it's not possible but i'll ask anyway, has anybody pushed light faster? If you could, even by 1MPH, would anything crazy happen?
  11. mass=gravity? Does this mean that in a very small supply I have gravity around my body???? Can you be more specific with the eatting the unvierse thing.
  12. Im wondering what the reason is. Is it a rule because we cant push objects that fast with any technology we can come up with or is the rule there because of some univerisal law meaning that there's no such thing in the universe that would allow us to do that? What happens to you at light speed, what if I were to be able to a bullet and shoot it out into space faster then light like 200,000 miles a second, would it seize to exsist, would it create a black hole would it just become invisible and move really really fast, what would happen?
  13. I guess that answers my question. But now I have a question, what is a wave exactly as far as it's physical exsistance. How do you detect it how do you prove it's there. Electromagnetic waves dont need atoms to travel like sound waves do right? I thought everything was made out of atoms so if it is not, what other neat stuff exists that isnt made up of atoms or requires atoms? If telekenesis was possible in this universe, would it work with waves, interacting with the atoms of an object and manipulating it by force?
  14. Wait a minute now im confused. If temperature is the speed that atoms bounce around then why is there a temperature in the vacuum of space? Is it that the temperature isnt really there until you put a matter in it. Like, are the atoms that make up the outside layer of spaceships the atoms that are slowing down and getting super cold? Or if you can have heat and cold in a vacuum, how is it there?
  15. What can they be accelerated to?
  16. would you like that in joules and liters?
  17. If absolute zero is when particles come to a complete hault, then would the hottest temperature be when those particles are zooming around at light speed? If so, what temperature is that?
  18. That universe being sphere shaped throws me off. I'm having a hard time contemplating it. That would be looking at the universe like it's a sheet right? Sorta like when they talk about alternate dimensions being sheets stacked on each other. I dont even know how to go about visualizing something like that. Every direction you go in you eventually end up where you started? I always just looked at the universe how I look at a galaxy, galaxies being the stars, the center of the universe being the bright center of a galaxy, and then if you head out to far you basically reach a wall of space to nothingness that you cant pass which now that I really think about it sounds less believable then anything I've heard that I've chosen to disregard. The whole thing is so crazy I cant help but laugh.
  19. I got a few questions. Did the particles and stuff from the big bang move out faster then the speed of light and if so, how? Would that mean that we can see one end of the universe but not the other on account of the universe not being old enough to see the other side? (assuming the earth is not in the center of the universe) All I really know about the big bang is it was space and matter and energy and whatever else compressed to a singularity, then exploded, shooting particles and elements and eventually after a very long time of expansion and all that hoo-ha, dust and what not started to form together and start spawning stars...which sorta stuck to gravity centers...making galaxies. Then the stars, either spawned planets from there own...materials or the remaining dust formed around the stars into planets, which the sheer though of is pretty cool. So thats very bold, but that's all I know. What was the stuff the big bang unleashed, was it a small list of basic fundemental particles and elements or what is it everything in the form of gas (everything can be in gas form cant it?) Does the universe keep gaining matter or does it stay the same and change forms, or does it slowly decay. Can you really completely destroy something, take every single part of it's exsistance out...or do the atoms/particles always remain? When animals grow, are they really adding mass to the world or are they just taking existing mass and changing form? Or to put it in a little scenario, if your own personal universe has a 2ft 3 dimensional cube that weighs 10 pounds and nothing else just an empty vacuum, can it grow? can it weigh more? can it grow and weigh more? can it do these things on it's own or does it have to take something and add it? Can you make something from nothing? Can we take molecules out of the air, mess with them and form them into something else? Is there a limit to how hot something can get? Fire is hot, lava and magma is hotter, cores of planets which are what I understand are liquid metal are hotter, and the gases on the sun are even hotter then that, so when you hit the millions and billions and trillions of degrees, what form is this heat in, gas? Is it always gas that heats up? What causes things to hit that temperature and what the hell are the particles made of at that are sittin around chillin in heat like that? Why is there a limit to how cold something can get? And is it me, or does a trillion degrees seem excessive? I dont know what gravity is as far as....is it a wave or a magnetic field of some sort or whatever, but if it can push things to the ground, does that at all suggest that telekenesis could work? Waves and particles are two different things right? So what are waves made out of? doesnt there have to be something behind the force/energy that bumps molecules together to make sound waves. Up until just 5 minutes ago I was sittin here thinking that atoms or strings or whatever is all the way down there is everything, the fundemental pieces to every and all kinds of puzzles, then I thought of waves and got completely screwed up.
  20. How many planets do we really have in our solar system, arent there like 2 more around the Neptune and Pluto area?
  21. I wasnt asking "what" happens when you move, I was asking "why" time speeds up. I thought it just sped up for people going that fast, I didnt know they're life actually shortened...or prolonged. I thought you would still live until your 70-90 and it would feel like the same length of time it would on earth, it would just equal thousands of years for people like us just sittin around. So an hour going at the speed of light, feels like an hour (im aware thats like a year or something crazy for people who aint moving) but meanwhile your aging like a son of a b? or in your theory, turning into a baby?
  22. why is it exactly, that time slows down when you move?
  23. so we've come to the conclusion that time is constant, for anything to happen time has to pass, and it existed before the big bang, assuming you disbelieve that the big bang isnt the very first event to take place in this multi universe dimension, diverse plains, level of exsistences place, which is probably just a petry dish in some guys lab. I hope he's a nice guy.....maybe the type of guy who interferes with stuff like meteors commin at earth....atleast until we get advanced enough where we can handle problems like that on our own. Anybody have something to add?
  24. Wow. The question originally was aimed at something along the lines of incriments of time, and what is the smallest if there is one, the one right before time just...freezes, goes on pause. You guys are slowly pealing my mind to a different understanding of it and it seems now that....a measurement of time is irrelevant? Or is that wrong.
  25. lol, not used to the higher level of understanding, had to read each reply 20 times to get it.
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