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Everything posted by jutntog1

  1. How can i get in contact with an admin. I have tried the "contact us" form multiple times with no response and am looking for some help to solve a simple problem. If you are an admin please repond here or email me <email address removed upon request>
  2. no way will we colonize mars soon
  3. it will become more popular... ive been doing it for years already...
  4. My website is currently a tone of yellow for the background...i am having major diffucties keeping it that way....becouse i normally only like white pages what do you guys think of colored backgrounds? does yellow work for my site? http://www.forum4debate.com is the site....
  5. hi im a highschool student and think it would be fun to try to bread plants to have certain traits,(like grow faster etc) just becouse im curios, but what is the best plant to do this with, it snows here in the winter so it would need to be inside... and i have a small budget.
  6. Thats cool but its been around a while...
  7. Those games are boring... i promise youll regret the time u spend playing it...
  8. Are Tests Accurate, at determining how well a student learned?
  9. Whats the best summery of all basic info that could be found at a liberary. Not for the study of any psuedoscience or metaphycical idea, but simple what book studies the entire subject the best?
  10. How many total years of school are required (proboly) to become a nero surgen (a argument with a freind)
  11. Ive just formaly started geometry in school im wondering what do you all prefer algebra or Geometry and what would you guess effects this decision
  12. Whats the best summery of all basic info that could be found at a liberary.
  13. Whats the best summery of all basic info that could be found at a liberary.
  14. Whats the best summery of all basic info that could be found at a liberary.
  15. Just wondering what you all think is the best movie genre i think drama but im wondering what this very focused scientific community feels.
  16. Sory (cant read the whole post) but it sounds like a great idea, i was just thinking the other day that they should do that, they should even make it a tax deduction to let the goverment install it (free of charge) then use it.... but woudlnt it work to just build more solar panal field? why do they need to be on houses?
  17. Yeah i like those a lot
  18. I just felt the nead to share a funny story: so im sitting in my so called advanced biology (10th grade) and being the first week of school the teachers talking about how to state a hypothisis and the like when someone raises there hand and asks "why dont we try to harness the energy from distant stars on earth" i just thought it was so funny that it was worth sharing...
  19. Hi, i recently finished my forum (http://www.forum4debate.tk) and i am hoping to spread the word about it (this isnt a spam this will be my only post on the topic on this site) i have been a long time member of sfn and i am hoping to atract people from this site to my site becouse the community on this site is great... so check it out and tell me what you think
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