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Everything posted by leonyehuda

  1. Hi everyone, I am trying to build a device hat requires a rather strong pushing force (500 gr. 1000 gr.) within a rather limited space. (9X15X25 mm) with an 8 mm stroke. This force would be required at full extension. Since solenoids, voice coils, latching solenoids etc. don't seem to be strong enough or have a long enough stroke length I thought taking advantage of the power of neodymium magnets towards an electromagnet. Supposing I'd be using a 9 mm diameter and 3-4 mm thick N52 neodymium magnet, could and electromagnet stick to it with a holding power of at least 500-1000 gr.? And will it be able to detach from it by reversing the current? hope someone can help all the best
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