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Everything posted by Joeboy

  1. Hi all, 1. I was thinking last night of an awful situation I had a couple years back where I had drunk far too much alcohol.. then I thought: surely there's a better way of flushing it (without radical medical procedures like stomach pumping) out of the body than just "waiting it out" whilst someone is in such a state.. If Bob is highly intoxicated with alcohol after a good night out (that happened to go a little turbo..), could he consume a diuretic substance in addition to a good quantity of water to catalyse the flushing process? (Kind of a #2 but related to alcohol): Also, would use of a stimulant help reduce some of the alcohol's depressant effects? If both diuresis and CNS stimulation both help, then use of Ephedrine would surely be helpful.. 2. This led me to think: let Alice consume an anti-diuretic substance such as MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine - "Ecstasy" - illicit but indeed consumed). Is there any reason why Alice should not use a diuretic substance to help her urinate? Almost all causes of death resulting from MDMA are related to (hyper|hypo)hydration; regular urination would surely encourage usual levels of drinking/hydration. Thanks!
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