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Everything posted by Sandro

  1. I'm new in cosmology. I do not like the current standard model of cosmology, in particular the metric expansion of space, I'd like to create an alternative theory based on the quantization of space. Please, can sameone tell me a web-site where can see the redshift of galaxies, I would try to see by myself if I can fit the data with my vision. Thanks
  2. In an explosion everything moves in a centrifugal direction, so we should not look blue shift... we should not only observe redshift with slight differences in the proportion distance / redshift based on the direction in which you observe?
  3. The CMB radiation represents the birth of the first photons in the universe. If hypotetically we consider the big bang as a continuous event of energy creation, we can also assume that it evolves in a manner similar to the ΛCDM model and therefore present a CMB? This concept of the angles preserved refers to measurements of the redshift of galaxies or is it just to explain the theoretical differences? Observational data from the redshift could be reconciled with an expansion model similar to a bomb (with an expansion center)?
  4. If the expansion happen from a precise point (center of the universe) we do not however observe the CMB? How it should be different? (Excuse the insistence but I want to try to understand) Please could you explain better this concept. It refers to the Hubble's law?
  5. Let's consider that the big bang did not happen everywhere, but at a precise point in the universe and the big bang is not an event in the past but is a continuous event of energy creation. Keeping in view this as we see the universe? In particular, the Hubble law would function in a similar manner? And the WMAP image would occur just as it is? Thanks for the answers
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