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Posts posted by jakepi7

  1. Originally posted by Star-struck

    There really isn't a viable replacement for fossil fuel energy. At least not anything that can currently and readily be mass produced, save maybe nuclear energy. You are correct though, there could be via science if politics would only allow it.

    T thought the Japanese had some interesting Photo-voltaic panels that were quite efficient yet inexpensive to produce from silicon. Although they have yet to produce a truly efficient battery, but like honda decided to use diode-capacitors to retain power that may be the way to go. They have diode reactors to produce power. If the US government would allow the use of such devices in electric vehicles we would not have a hydro-carbon shortage. There are viable alternatives,but the regulatory agencies of the government will not permit usage,because they are in the back pockets of the oil industries.
  2. Originally posted by NSX


    The hard part is getting someone to publish you. lol

    Well, do you live in a rural, suburban, or urban place?

    The types of jobs to get depends on where you live.

    There was a study done by the state of New York which came to the conclusion that its not what you know but who you know that determines whether you will get the job or not. Therefore you had better network really well or find other ways to make money.
  3. Originally posted by greg1917

    well I havent heard of any conclusive arguments of how a solution of a perfectly pure optical compound can occur in nature without the aid of an already existing biological agent.


    If your interested, heres a list of possible solutions to this problem and why none of them are satisfactory, hence the remaining mystery about chirality in life. Its essential to our very existence yet how did life come about with the problems it poses? the structure of a dna double helix depends on it for a start. Is this another question llike which came first the chicken or the egg?



  4. Originally posted by Tau

    What aspects of the natural world are there that we cannot explain scientifically? What dont humans know?

    I believe Roger Penrose attempted to answer that question. Its debated whether we are capable of even knowing the answer. Of course we are now proving Godel wrong. So perhaps its skys the limit.
  5. What do you believe will be the next evolutionary step for the human race? I think it may follow this senario;the conscious inhabitants of this planet will be split into two species; humans and in their original and continuing bodies, and uploaded copies of dead humans. Add to that a third category, the independent minds built from the ground up by artificial intelligence programs. And perhaps a fourth; living, embodied humans in an extended condition of enhancement, plugged in (perhaps only some of the time) to the super-net.

  6. If you create a computer simulation so realistic that it takes into account every possible atomic or molecular position and composition- will that sim be the same as the real thing? Leaving out a priori considerations or how powerful the computer would have to be to do such a thing would man finally be able to create anything in this universe? Is this universe a sim of a possible universe? If so imagine who is at the controls and who is writing the program.If you use every atom in the universe to comprise the computer then perhaps you can make a sim as described.

  7. Originally


    The value of a dime is ten pennies. Or 1/10 of a US dollar. A qarter is 1/4 of a US dollar, a nickel 1/5, and a penny 1/100. [/b]

    a nickel is 1/5 of a quarter.A nickel is 1/20 of a dollar.A dime is 1/10 of a dollar. You should keep the same progression. Sorry I just had to say this.
  8. Originally posted by MrL_JaKiri

    What happened to the thing that tells you when individual posts are made?

    on the front the word Science with its definition to follow. on the back the word forum- show a modern day place to gather for science.
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