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Posts posted by C60

  1. I recently recived this in an email. I'm thinkin about going


    Only at MIT




    The Time Traveler Convention


    May 7, 2005, 10:00pm EDT (08 May 2005 02:00:00 UTC)


    East Campus Courtyard, MIT


    42:21:36.025=B0N, 71:05:16.332=B0W


    (42.360007,-071.087870 in decimal degrees)


    What is it?


    Technically, you would only need one time traveler convention. Time

    travelers from all eras could meet at a specific place at a specific

    time, and they could make as many repeat visits as they wanted. We

    are hosting the first and only Time Traveler Convention at MIT in one

    week, and WE NEED YOUR HELP!


    Why do you need my help?


    We need you to help PUBLICIZE the event so that future time travelers

    will know about the convention and attend. This web page is

    insufficient; in less than a year it will be taken down when I

    graduate, and futhermore, the World Wide Web is unlikely to remain in

    its present form permanently. We need volunteers to publish the

    details of the convention in enduring forms, so that the time

    travelers of future millennia will be aware of the convention. This

    convention can never be forgotten! We need publicity in MAJOR

    outlets, not just Internet news. Think New York Times, Washington

    Post, books, that sort of thing. If you have any strings, please pull



    Great idea, I'd love to help! What should I do?


    Write the details down on a piece of acid-free paper, and slip them

    into obscure books in academic libraries! Carve them into a clay

    tablet! If you write for a newspaper, insert a few details about the

    convention! Tell your friends, so that word of the convention will be

    preserved in our oral history! A note: Time travel is a hard problem,

    and it may not be invented until long after MIT has faded into

    oblivion. Thus, we ask that you include the latitude/longitude

    information when you publicize the convention.


    You can also make an absolute commitment to publicize the convention

    afterwards. In that case, bring a time capsule or whatever it may be

    to the party, and then bury it afterwards.


    Can't the time travelers just hear about it from the attendees, and

    travel back in time to attend?


    Yes, they can! In fact, we think this will happen, and the small

    number of adventurous time travelers who do attend will go back to

    their "home times" and tell all their friends to come, causing the

    convention to become a Woodstock-like event that defines humanity



    Unfortunately, we of the present (2005) don't have time travel, and

    so we only have one chance at observing the convention. If the time

    travelers don't leave us their secrets, we won't be able to go back

    in time and see our convention in all its glory unless it is

    publicized in advance.


    Isn't time travel impossible?


    We can't know for certain. The ancient Greeks would have thought

    computers were impossible, and the Phoenicians certainly wouldn't

    have believed that humans would one day send a spacecraft to the moon

    and back. We cannot predict the future of science or technology, so

    we can only make an effort and see if any time travelers come to our

    convention. If you would like to read more about time travel, check

    out our reading list.


    I'm from the future, and I'd like to attend!


    We're not sure how you're emailing us from the future, but we'd love

    to have you! Come as you are! No dress code whatsoever. We do request

    that you bring some sort of proof that you do indeed come from the

    future, and haven't just dressed like you do. We welcome any sort of

    proof, but things like a cure for AIDS or cancer, a solution for

    global poverty, or a cold fusion reactor would be particularly

    convincing as well as greatly appreciated.


    I'm from the present, and I'd like to attend!


    Great! We would also love to have you, especially if you have helped

    publicize. We request that you bring refreshments if possible, as we

    need to make this a great party for you and for the time travelers.

    RSVP at timetravelerconvention@gmail.com, and then show up at the

    designated place at the designated time! The East Campus Courtyard is

    in between the two red rectangles on this map. If you plan on

    attending, PLEASE check this page frequently for updates.


    I'm from the present, and I'd like to attend, but I can't!


    No worries! If time travel is invented in your lifetime, you can

    always come later. Even if it isn't, we'll have pictures and video up

    at this site within a week after the Convention.

  2. Simulator Here is an awsome little download for all of you with braodband (it's kinda big 11mb) its a 3D space simulator that covers about half of the stars in the galaxy. I seriously recomend it to all you who love astronomy. Also i suggest checking out the add on section it has some pretty sweet stuff in there
  3. I can understand why the teachers noly teach facts, thats becuase if they do you will do better on th standardized tests that all schools have to take which will get the school more money so in my opion the fatal flaw is that we rely to much on tests which can really only test how well you con spit facts back and not enough on conceptual things that are harder to test.

  4. The greatest formation of carbon ever. It is a carbon crystal made of 900 carbons each with a triple bond. It is so amazing that it actually gets stronger over time. This is where i think everyone should talk about it and contemplate its implications

  5. Not that this has anything to do with what you guys are talking about but to try to get an idea of why we are in no way affected by the other dimensions think of this, there is a tight rope walker on his rope and he can only move in one direction right, well what if there was a flea on the rope it is still the same rope but the flea can move in two dimensions back and forth like the tight rope walker and also around the rope.

  6. Did any of you guys ever hear of that theory that our universe was created by a black. It goes something along these lines since black holes suck in matter they would eventually gather a substantial amount of matter some people think that the matter would eventually have a rain drop effect like rain gather on the underside of your roof. They then go on to say that it would detach itself from the black hole and still be a singularity and then exploded therefore accounting for the big bang and how the universe first formed. I know that this does not explain how or where that matter came from in the first place but i dont know much about this theory

  7. But think about it this way with disease as a limiting factor the population grows more the more it grows the more food we need the more clothing and every other resources. Even at the rate that we use resources now we have problems thin if the population was doubled think of how much the planet would be strianed then. So to me it is basicly pick your poision the one that kills a lot of people but is a very good limiting factor or the one that starts wars over things like food and water. I say just keep the medical technology we have now and use the money spent on medical research to improve other things problems in our country.

  8. Ok here something that will get some good responses. I think that disease is a vital part of human existence the main reason being that it really limits our population and therefore it is actually slowing down the over population of the earth. If we cure all the diseases just think of the complications.

  9. Think about all that diseases do for us they make us sick cost us huge medical insureance premiums and sometimes kill us. So I can see why people normaly asociate disease with bad, that is why we try to cure and and wipe any little spec we see becasue it might have germs on it. But really are germs all that bad? No they are not and if you want to find out why come on in

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