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Everything posted by quantumcrack

  1. if you want to know, here is another link. http://www.theconservativevoice.com/articles/article.html?id=7436 then why are the british accusing iran also?? If you actually watch news and speeches from people like Brig. General Abizaid, you would know that iran isn't at the core of the insurgency, but is involved in the massive terrorist operations in iraq. Jordan, and Syria are exporting foreign fighters while Iran arms them.
  2. why don't you hear me out before saying things like that.
  3. i am not an 8th grader, a 7th grader. i am smarter than almost everybody in my grade except for some teachers. Not boasting.
  4. after all, many physics ideas are alittle bit impossible. So why am i different?
  5. maybe, bascule, you support the mullahs, but good opinion though. it is based on fact
  6. You don't uunderstand. It has been proven that the iranian revolutionary guard is smuggling weapons over the border. There is solid proof from iraqi security sources, or i wouldn't be saying this, would i?? i don't make up information and i don't lie. iran is doing this because the true rulers, the mullahs, want to rule iraq with a theocracy, and are willing to go to extraordinary lengths to do this.
  7. The Iranians are smuggling weapons into iraq over the border, and this is why the insurgency continues to kill US soldiers and innocent people. We cannot trust their government, because their president was one of the terrorists who held hostages captive in the Tehran incident. He does not want any sort of peace and this is because he wants to rule the Middle-east in a theocracy. It is a danger to everyone and must be crushed by the rest of the world with an iron fist. I am tired of those fools who blow themselves up and kill innocent people, and they call themselves Muslims. It is frustrating to hear of the massacres, it almost makes me want to join the army and take revenge against those infidels who disgrace their families names and murder their fellow citizen. I appeal to you, stop the constant slaughter and car bombs. Call your state senator and tell him; "i have had it with those idiots in tehran!", i am not against the iranian people, but i have had it up to here!!
  8. Well, sir arthur eddingtons theory based on entropy has never been proven, so how is this any different.
  9. I am only in grade school and i know this. you should know what i mean, but i appreciate the effort.
  10. If spacetime is straight on mondays and curved on sundays, than it must affect the earth then. Yet, spacetime would be affected by the earths rotation on an X-axis. every planet leaves an indentation in Spacetime, but i think that spacetime could surround every single micrometer of 3D matter in the cosmos. How does this sound?? I have a little science club, if you want to join and help the search for knowledge, plz give your e-mail address. Don't worry, it's just to keep in contact!!
  11. I dont want you to understand it, because it is a secret. LoL! thank you for the constructive criticism, but i have read many books by Kip S Thorpe and Stephen Hawking. Thank you
  12. It is theoretically possible that a construct such as hyperspace exists, but could it be true that hyperspace itself is a dimension?? feel free to comment...... Constructive criticism, if you have any......
  13. To quicksilver, your atoms wouldn't rip apart in my view, hence the theory of democratus
  14. If the theory of a rock the size of mars smashing into our earth and creating our moon is true, the earth could have somehow regenerated?? it is possible, but the earth would have had to have a core that still radiated fresh from the big bang?? I am working on a project and i am looking for help via E-mail. if anybody would want to help me with my project, send an e-mail to: harrison_cooldude@hotmail.com. if you have any objections, please notify me! don't click on this because you will get a pop-up for my mom's e-mail.
  15. Sayonara, You must not understand anything i have said, what i mean is to react!!!
  16. If black holes suck in energy, would the particles of matter and the energy particles mingle??? And would highly reactive gases collide and affect the space time continuant??????
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