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Everything posted by JamesCola

  1. ok thanks a lot!! i understand more now, if other people know anything else, please tell me ;D
  2. Hello, I am a level seven student, and I would like to ask a question for my science project, and i did an experiment about the change in our body temperature after eating spicy food(and we choose the second most spicy noodles in the world ). The result shows that it actually lowered the body temperature, so I'd like to know why this phenomenon happens. I've done some research and i know that its because of sweating, but which body part produces/control/command SWEATING and some other information. So, i would like to know: -Which body parts -Whats Homeostasis -Whats Thermoregulation -Chemicals affecting body temperature -Capsaicin affect out temperature by? ~BRAIN Secretion? *MORE SECRETION? *LESS SECRETION? Also, some more other relevant information will be great too Thanks for taking your time to read my post! James P.S. https://docs.google.com/document/d/17dN8ButmsPMqQu7qPAqNBwPfOJqmbm-YoqbvuvolKlI/edit?usp=sharing This is a link for my notes taken in class while my teacher was giving advice/challenging me, are there any mistakes?
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