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Everything posted by Nicoyalifesciences

  1. Hey everyone! For those of you who have ever used a core facility to use expensive, sophisticated equipment, you know there are many challenges, especially with SPR. I want to share with you this awesome piece on reasons to integrate SPR into your own lab instead of using a core. As technology progresses it is becoming more affordable and practical to have SPR in your own lab. After reading this blog url deleted, you can expect to be in a better position to assess your options for accessing the equipment you need. Cheers!
  2. Hey everyone. I found that some people here are pretty familiar with the surface plasmon resonance concept so I thought of sharing one of my favourite tips - preconcentration! This technique basically allows researchers to use even less ligand when conducting SPR experiments. Since expressing and purifying proteins is time-consuming and purchasing proteins can get expensive, saving as much ligand as you can is always ideal. Even a lot of our own users were asking us to explain preconcentration, so we mput together a blog post to help out. Hope you enjoy You can visit the blog at: wedon'tallowadvertising.com For those of you who'd like to know more about surface plasmon resonance, you can visit I'mstealingvisitorsfromyourdiscussions.com and feel free to ask me any questions.
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