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  • Lepton

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  1. This all started last night and this begining story might fool you but i still think it is credible. So here it goes. Last night me and a few of my friends decided it would be a good idea to smoke marijuana (which i do not do regularly and had not done in 3 years) and watch some of my 50+GB of space documentries from numerous sources. So we did and as we were all watching this in complete silence and coming up with our own meaning of the universe, I think i might have stumbled upon something. okay the documentery was talking about the super massive black hole at the center of the milky way and how in 1999 there was i massive explosion at the galactic center. now i was thinking how this explosion or future disturbances could effect the galaxy, especially earth. Now i thought if we saw the light from this explosion in 1999 then when would any such form of matter or magnetic disturbance reach us here in our solor system. well i looked online for the distance from us the the supermassive black hole and found no credible estimate. But what i did find was the approx. speed of the matter being ejected from a super nova which is 1805978 miles per second or 1/166 the speed of light. which mean it will take anything that could disrupt our universe 166 times longer than the light to reach earth. Which means we could have time to prepare. prepare for what? no idea what i am thinking of as effecting us from such event is maybe some sort of shockwave if there is any in space slightly disrupting the kyper belt or something of that nature or maybe a strong magnetic pulse or insense radiation or something i really have no idea.This egation is not at this point in time the "event" will happen it just says at this time the "event" has started in sense if it were a astroid that get it's orbit slightly dispupted so it will impact earth my equation finds the time when that astroid will be knocked off it's orbit and the event is also where the astroid is when if gets knocked off it's orbit so x finds the distance from that point not earth and since any astroid would be within one light year we are going to say that the time of the event would be the same as earth beacause it could also directly effect the earth like magnetic fields or something sorry if im confusing.. . i just though i would share because as long as you guys call me an idiot or not it was fun for me to imagine that it was credible so here you go shoot it down or not. I am open to critisicm X= The distance from the event to the supermassive black hole at the galactic center. C= speed of light y=Time for light from galactic center to reach event z=time for disruption from galactic center to reach event B=time light reaches event c= time disrution reaches event n=time since light reached event t=time of event e=How long after you you see the diruption till it happens y=x/c z=x/(c/166) b-c-n=t
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