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Everything posted by sciurus

  1. What I meant was: from an unknown number of eggs (maybe 100, maybe 2000) I take 50 eggs and want to see how long before they hatch. when they hatch I know that 50 eggs hatch in 3 days...can I use this number, 3 days, to refer to all the 100 or maybe 2000 eggs from the original group?? I mean, can I say that the eggs of a species hatch in 3 days, even if I just have a subgroup?? If I should use a t-test, for example, I should know the initial population number to know if the 3 days is significant or not, right??
  2. Hi everyone. is there anyone that knows if, when I have a subset of a population, I can I standardize the subset?? what I mean is, If I have a unknown number of eggs, I take 30 of that eggs and after I have to use what I know (data obtained from the subgroup) for that 30 eggs on all other eggs, although I do not know how many are the total eggs. How can I do it on R program??? I hope I clearly exposed my question. thank you
  3. Hi everyone, I am about to start the final project for my MSc in Ecology and evolutionary biology. I have time till July for the project. I would like to do a project on Coleoptera. One of my ideas was to measure the frequency of sexual dimorphisme in Coleoptera, though the use of literature and spacemen. I sow that the reference are scarce and that there are so many family in that genre that would be impossible to check them all. Does anyone as an idea??? I will be happy to have any suggestion also on other topic, keeping in mind that I have 4 or less months for the development of the project.
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