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    Engineering projects .cse
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Lepton (1/13)



  1. as per say , there were some journals at engineeringvillage and ieeee about 2.5c neutrinos on bombarding Earths atmosphere , as all are indeterministic and cannot be practically performed except in a non matter Antimaterial model mathemathical model would be very inconclusive ,but facts found in journals meet the "imagination" Have fun , finding out the "NOTHING#" As per feymann wrote in wother words ...sinusoidal or digital , all depends on frequency of waves And whether it is so small that it has to be quantumized by integrating Digital waves in quanta And analog as per string wave thory Both are governed by different set of equations ,but at least feyman almost linked digital waves behavoiur to be as A superstring analog wave. Antimatter is almost in my " hypothesis" imagination model that solved my emc problems to an extent practically But were not mathematically conclusive as per current rules of equations . But at least my prototype worked and i am happy my concepts worked by forming a counter emc field to sort unwarranted interferences randomly
  2. Let me do a layman method When i fail ,i try a new approach from beginning if it fails hard Questions rise.....as As i understand quantum applies to matter medium As per symmetry, the following facts prove matter is very different from anti matter 1.. Anti matter found been very less in universe. I see if what in space ,what is dark matter - nothing ...is anti matter 2. Anti matter has to way farther from matter . Some thories say a magnetic field or atmosphere may behave as a membrane isolating matter- antimatter 3 .. As per c speed of light, some studies point when neutrinos from space hit at atmosphere c=2.5 c So atmosphere-magnetic field act as a containing medium like a particle accelerator. As my theory was beyond my feild of cse( i did basic quantum studies from feymann et al) and my professors dissuade modern thoertical new ideas, i am blind when it comes to explaining in minute detail. As per feymann,, quantum says waves are sinusoidal when frequency is low And digital when f is high. My theory is like that.... meaning basic concepts when working with antimatter needs be reworked! My theory say anti matter is interstatial space around planets we call nothing separated by magnetic fields from matter , and governed by complex undeterministic model . Anti matter is all around people call nothing in space
  3. On question of indeterminism on nothing"anti matter",i have following theory Matter and antimatter belong to theory of symmetry and are governed by CPT symmetry Antimatter remains undeterministic and science behind is being discovered,not fully known to be precise. I would call nothing as anti matter. Would i be correct? Just science behind nothing remains under scope of Indeterminism .. Higgs boson should also fall under this thory . I have my own theory about it when i did Plc projects dealing with EMC . I beleive me to be almost correct. Question is ..... Does anti matter also obey quantum physics which applies matter? It does obey entirely different set of symmetries
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