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  • Favorite Area of Science
    evolutionary biology

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Thanks for the sources I'll check them both out. This topic is really interesting.
  2. Maybe but that wasn't my question. I just wanted to know if the Triune brain model was really no longer valid. You did not answer the question at all.
  3. A friend of mine posted this article from The Guardian to facebook about how Early man and women were equal according to scientists. I commented on the page by saying: Another friend posted that he didn't agree and said that he was reading about how most neuroscientists no longer subscribe Triune theory. This is what he said. My introduction to this theory was through watch Carl Sagans Cosmos on Episode eleven The Persistence of Memory. As of now he has yet to cite his sources. What do you guys think? I've looked all over but can't find anything disproving this theory. If you do please share your sources. As far as I can see this makes sense when looking at it from the standpoint of evolution. Unfortunately, I'm not a neuroscience buff.
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