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Everything posted by AtlasoftheHumanJourney

  1. It is possible that Jesus really did exist and his miracles were just exaggerations of stories handed down orally or placebos by people who claimed to have been "cured". On the other hand it is certainly possible that the writers of the New Testament made up the character completely. We all now that the supernatural elements of the film Bruce Almighty is fictional. But no one believes that Bruce Nolan really does exist and that he is a reporter for Eyewitness News in Buffalo, New York. We all except that the whole story is fictional, not just the miraculous parts. I'd recommend the book "The Quest of the Historical Jesus: A Critical Study of Its Progress from Reimarus to Wrede" by Albert Schweitzer.
  2. I'd like to share my new website with you all: url deleted by moderator It uses interactive maps to chart the story of hominid evolution and migration over the course of 7 million years. You can click on different dates to see the maps change over time and you can click on the archaeological finds on the maps to see pictures and link to more information. Please give me any feedback with regards to any errors, site design, functionality, and content. Thanks.
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