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Everything posted by sam77

  1. So I'm not even sure if Jesus existed... but! Was he an alien hybrid? Guiding star=UFO Raising from the dead at Easter=Aliens recovering Jesus' body from the tomb Angels surrounded by halos=bright shining UFOs Mt Sinai 10 commandments=receiving code of laws from aliens Virgin Mary=Jesus was an alien hybrid, abducted and implanted with baby Jesus' special talents=superior alien genes Walking on water+producing bread from nothing=alien technology Dying for our sins=chooses not to be rescued or seek retribution against humanity. Also sets an example of selflessness which has been followed for 2000 years. Aliens are using us as an incubation chamber for beneficial mutations to create hybrid races with. It's far easier to let us deal with the harsh realities of nature and splice our DNA than build a new creature from scratch, since every gene has to be designed perfectly for a creature to work correctly.
  2. There are no multiple timelines, that would imply multiple universes. If you somehow managed to travel back in time, it would be impossible to change the future. However, it may have been necessary to travel back in time in order to progress to the future. So, if you travel back in time to acquire dinosaur DNA and return to the future to resurrect the dinosaurs, you have not changed the past. If, before deciding to travel back in time you came across a record of a cave painting depicting a futuristic human appearing out of nowhere and taming wild beasts, you realized that somebody was probably you. After the event, you can then confirm that it most probably was you (especially if you communicated with any artistic cave-dwellers during your time in the past, or that any even existed. Or perhaps it was you who made the drawing). I'm not sure such time travel to the past is even possible. But what do I know, I'm just a stupid human being. It would probably require great amounts of energy and a new understanding of space and time. Hydrogen gives distinct spectral lines because those are the characteristics of a hydrogen atom. That's not a correct application of predeterminism, which states that the future and past are already decided. QM very much deals with randomness, albeit randomness structured by physical laws. Its main limit is observation. It can tell us what happens but not necessarily why. It fails to take into consideration that we are the result of evolution and that our perceptions of the universe are subjective. There exists a human-bias in QM which I feel needs to be reassessed.
  3. So if I understand correctly, is it impossible to change the state of one particle in order to affect another? I mean, if you discovered a particle-pair and somehow caught them in a box at each end, then continually changed their spin to send a binary message, this would not be possible? At any rate, even if the entanglement is broken after measurement, this doesn't disprove predeterminism. It proves FTL communication is less likely to find an application in entanglement.
  4. Thanks. Please can you define quantum entanglement, spooky action at a distance and what exactly is happening?
  5. Could the future already exist? The idea of quantum mechanics is that nature is inherently probabilistic. Particles have no hard properties, only likelihoods, until they are observed. However, even though probability waves would still retain a use in statistical prediction, we find that all testable observations, such as those which make computers run and physics work, continue to function if we adopt predeterminism as the principle driving force for reality. In fact, it seems like many big mysteries of QM such as entanglement, dark energy and the double slit experiment make a lot more sense. Why is there such a strong past-present-future time bias? It's entirely possible that human perception of time is the result of evolution and nothing more. Life must collect energy from states when it is readily available to survive, and the laws of thermodynamics state that things become more disorganized over time. Now, organic intelligent life must be able to predict the future, so evolution has given us this time bias of past-present-future. If this is true, time is free to travel both forwards and backwards and there is no reason for Quantum Mechanics to suggest that the future is decided by chance. Thanks to Einstein's theory of relativity, we know that time passes at a different rate depending on the energy state of an observer. For example, an atomic clock on Earth synchronized with an atomic clock on a space rocket will desynchronize over time. The passage of time is not uniform throughout space. Our solar system is moving towards Lamba Herculis at a rate of 45000mph. Therefore, not all regions of space may travel through time with equal impetus. Distant galaxies accelerating away from us may be the difference between energy states of the two systems. What pulls time forwards? The answer is attraction. The future exerts an effect on the present and vice versa. Many such forces have been defined, but there may be more to discover i.e dark energy. Quantum entanglement is defined as the 'spooky action at a distance' one or more particles can exhibit on each other. Changing the spin of one particle will affect the spin of the other, for example. The speeds of these interactions travel faster than light, seemingly breaking the laws of physics. However, according to predeterminism, these particles are not traveling, but being inferred, so the speed of light is not violated. This could be the basis behind FTL communication or FTL teleportation. The spontaneous appearance of antiparticle pairs has long suggested the magical nature of quantum mechanics. However, this has been a red herring. There is nothing magical about a chemical reaction. The antiparticle existed and exerted its effect on the present particle. It did not randomly decide to pop into existence, but already had its part to play ordained since the dawn of creation. Particles move freely backwards and forwards through time as defined by the physical laws of the universe. The double slit experiment shows how light and matter can display characteristics of both waves and particles. In the original experiment, a laser emits photons through a double slit setup onto a photo-receptive plate, resulting in an interference pattern suggesting that light behaves as a wave. However, the light absorbed is always found in discrete bands as individual particles. Furthermore, when a detector is placed at a slit we find that each photon only passes through one slit, functioning like a particle. This phenomenon is known as complementarity - the act of measuring a particle interacts with it such that the original trajectory is destroyed, and the interference pattern disappears. Now consider the experiment from the particle's point of view. It exists on the plate until such time that a force draws it towards the double slit, backwards through time and into the photon emitter. When undisturbed, it can take either pathway through the double slits, owing to the unpredictable movement of microscopic particles. When we try to detect the particle, it already 'knows' that it cannot take one pathway over the other. Of course, the past has equal effect on the future state, so the particle in the future originates from such a point that the intereference pattern does not exist. This represents the fundamental nature of predeterminism.
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