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  • Quark

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  1. Is the statement true that, "All space still exists, therefore all time still exists." I.E. the past and the future still exist, you are not born yet and you're already dead.
  2. I've already written the science parts of the story and it looks good, to start again...
  3. I'm open to toes of any sort if it works. Can you elaborate? I thought of a super heavy particle locally stabilising worm holes and a tachyon field generator to coalesce the wormholes into a phased Time Hole (time gate if you prefer), any theoretical premise would do that makes physicists go... "mmn, I wonder?" But it needs to be on Earth happening in the event chamber of a GIANT super collider.
  4. Yes, you're right but I still would like a time machine idea that makes physicists go... Who knows? Anything's possible...
  5. Can't someone give me a view on the proposed time machine OR suggest a time machine that doesn't involve racing through space and black holes??????? Also, what about a tachyon beam to stabilise the worm hole phase coalescence(yes, I made that expression up...) Come on guys!!!! Are you not hairy chested physicists or are you just metaphysicists; bronzed from tanning on the thesis sunbed of faculty life?
  6. tachyon physics and related subjects. I'd already found this but found it a bit "made up", however it seems more along the lines of the plausible improbability I am searching for OR not, I don't know. Construction and Operation of a Time Gate Once a suitably stable environment has been located, the time gate may be constructed as follows: A tachyon accelerator is positioned so that it can emit a steady tachyon stream onto a super-dense gravitic lens, which will focus the tachyon field into a single plane within stable protonic matter. (Tachyons are three-dimensional particles that occupy the second, fourth, and sixth dimensions, out of phase with normal space-time; while first proposed theoretically in the mid-Twentieth Century, they were not actually discovered until a century later due to their unique dimensional phase properties.) The gravitic lens is composed of a super-dense artificial material that is bombarded by a graviton stream from a graviton accelerator, which is placed at a ninety-degree angle from the tachyon accelerator, so that the tachyon and graviton streams intersect at the center of the gravitic lens. (Gravitons are three-dimensional particles that occupy the fifth, seventh, and ninth dimensions, sharing many properties with photons, but in a different dimensional phase; so, unlike photons, gravitons can pass through solid matter.) The gravitic lens must remain supercooled close to absolute zero, so that atomic motion is at a minimum, which is necessary to maintain a stable tachyon stream. The gravitic lens is used to refract the tachyon stream along the sixth-dimensional axis; the degree of refraction determines through how many temporal cycles the time gate will extend into the past. Thus, going farther back in time requires a greater degree of refraction of the tachyon stream, which means a greater graviton density in the gravitic lens. The intensity, or frequency, of the tachyon stream determines the diameter of the time gate. A time gate aperture that is several meters across would require millions of times more tachyon energy to keep open than would a time gate open at only the atomic level. Once created, the time gate will appear as a distortion around the matter onto which it is projected, in roughly a two-dimensional circular plane. The gravitational and dimensional stresses may create an optical refractory effect, creating a swirling rainbow pattern around the perimeter of the gateway. The center of the aperture will appear to recede inward, an optical illusion created by the sixth-dimensional refraction of the tachyon stream. After the time gate is created, and the diameter and degree of sixth-dimensional displacement are selected, the time traveller may enter the aperture through the side opposite the tachyon accelerator (i.e., the tachyon accelerator and gravitic lens would be located behind the time gate). In the past timeline, the time traveller would emerge on the opposite side of the plane of the time gate, where the gravitic lens is located in his future. Time travel, however, is not as simple as stepping through a doorway. The gateway aperture must be projected onto a plane of solid protonic matter, and it would be extremely unlikely to find a natural arrangement of stable protonic matter in a two-dimensional plane thin enough to step through. It is thus necessary for the time travellers to use cutting machinery to bore through the solid matter inside of which the time gateway has already been opened. Since the trans-dimensional time gate effect encompasses a thickness of about ten atomic diameters in both timelines, a hole can be cut through the matter on one side of the time gate in the future timeline, and straight through the matter on the other side of the time gate in the past timeline, but the plane of continuous protonic matter onto which the time gate is projected will have contiguous matter supporting it in both timelines, albeit from opposite sides of the sixth-dimensional gateway (see illustration below). Suffice to say, building a stable sixth-dimensional time gate requires years of geological surveying and excavation. FORGETTING the geological excavation(dull), is this silly theory at least less ?$*^!;:?µ than my own my own?
  7. I agree that would be funny but I'm hoping for drama. It's a good idea actually. Dear everybody, would a tachyon beam or tachyon generated TIMEHOLE event horizon be less beyond the boundaries of your thinking? What would be possible on the Earth surface(at least possible in the sense that you would say , well I'm not sure... can't say really).
  8. Kyrisch I need this time machine to be the Earth surface. Wouldn't a black hole just gravitate towards the Earth and gobble it up. Surely a huge amount of concentrated mass is required to produce a black hole? Thanks, Stevie.
  9. Dear swansont, can you help me? I'm not asking for a definitive answer but I do want a possible scenario. Help! I need a time machine. thread.


    Can anybody help me... ?

  10. Thanks to the various skeptics and kyrisch, most helpful but is there more to glean from the collective genius of you guys on how to make a functional theoretical time machine with 23rd century technology. I can't believe you guys out there don't have a simple solution to my time travel difficulties. Come on, someone has a time machine idea with a cyclotron, I know it. Also, if we found a super graviton, would my time machine work?(still beating my drum)
  11. Hi, I've got a question that's bugging me. Why does light move? Why doesn't it stay in one place? What happens to a photon when it hits an object, is it destroyed?
  12. "13.7 billion years to within 0.9 %". Hi, new to the forum and just wondering, how does the inflation effect influence the calculation?
  13. Help, I need help, yes don't we all but I need your wise council. I'm writing a sci fi story(yawnnnn), I know but it's good, honest(yawnnnnnnnity yaawwwnnnnnn). Okay, I was doing fine with my theory on time travel that I invented(if suich a thing is possible) then some nasty fact based physicist came along and told me my beautiful theory was crap.... such is life. I don't agree but I'm sure he's right... anyway, can any of you erudite physicians of the mind give me info to support my theory OR a better/possible theory that isn't yet debunked, with a cyclotron preferably? MY THEORY IS : a) gigantic super collider(diameter of the USA entering parts of Canada, Mexico and the ocean floor. b) brilliant professor who collides particles together and creates "super gravitons". c) the super gravitons stabilise localised worm holes due to a powerful local gravitational field. d) the stabilised worm holes coalesce to form ONE BIG worm hole, stabilsed by a spinning energy field. e) thus we have a time hole, ergo the name of my screenplay, "TIMEHOLE 30,000 BC" AS I SAID HEEELLLLPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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