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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. yes it did help but i ment like how does the glass not brake when it on the airplane ,glass and (sorry for my spelling i cant spell ) alouminion . the glass and the alouminion makes an airplane body but when a bird or something hit it how does the body not smash is sortmof what i ment
  2. i don't under stand how the heck the glass atoms don't brake apart (the glass wen u melt it so it gets so hot it melts and u stretch it in to a thin wire )
  3. I can not drink water ,it makes me feel sick and makes me poo often and it goes runny. why please help and why can't i swallow pills like antibiotics. i can swallow other things like smartys and things like them, but not pills. help me on the as well please.
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