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Everything posted by stephaneww

  1. it's an open office document it's a logiciel free. i try to post a png i know but in relativity it can be consided as gigantic black hole where mattter does not escape
  2. dark matter graphics.zip it's base on the idea that the universe at Hubbble radius is a black hole. I research for a magnetic explain of energy and it's seem to be right with my methodologoy use for my first demontration. graphic2.zipgraphic2.zip oh have a look on graphic2 and comparare my current researh with 2) Galactic Rotation Curves in this document : https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/five-reasons-we-think-dark-matter-exists-a122bd606ba8#.6jfrptide
  3. I am currently preparing a paper that says that dark matter does not exist and that it is the product of dark energy on the matter. What do you think of this idea? Thank you in advance for your answers
  4. all is in tthe title thank you very much for your answers
  5. oops i made a mistake Lamba0= 3 *H0^2 *OmegaLambda \ c^2 =6Gmdark \ RHubble^3Lamba0= 3 *H0^2 *OmegaLambda \ c^2 =6Gmdark \( RHubble^3 *c^2) the demonstration is easier with this (i made it on a french forum). sorry for the persons who had try before you will have to find the relation between R m and H for a perfectly balance of the universe acceleration and gravitation first
  6. Hello, I got interested in this paper: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.05450v1.pdf as I was not happy to see a non-constant cosmological constant in time, I calculated the value (10 ) with the latest data planck 2015 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_(spacecraft)#2015_data_release I found that they were a mistake from a strictly factor equal to 3 of the cosmological constant, and that this factor made the 3 really constant cosmological constant in time for H0 = 67.74; 59; 62; 65; 71; 75; 80; and 85. So we have: Lamba0= 3 *H0^2 *OmegaLambda \ c^2 =6Gmdark \ RHubble^3 I leave it to specialists of the forum to demonstrate equality Best regards Stéphane
  7. Hello can you help me ? do you think this article confirm my proposition ? http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.05450 thank you in advance edit 1 i calculate that the relation is right for hubble radius, in fact it's exact for any radius edit 2 It's even better than I thought, they make assumptions to arrive at the relation (4) at the temperature of hawking with gravity surface, it starts to feel good for me edit 3 However, with the exact values for the relation (10) I don't find the exact value of the cosmological constant with a factor 10 edit 4 oups correction ... equalities (1) and (2) are thus simplify: Omega lambda t0 * (CMB radius t1 )^3 * M t0 / (omega lambda t1 * (CMB radius t0) ^ 3 * M t1) = 1 that it simplifies...
  8. hello all is in the title thanks for yours answers
  9. copy of my mailbox 15:42 (Il y a 11 minutes) À moi Pour infos. -- Patrick Vaudon Faculté des Sciences et Techniques 123 Avenue ALBERT THOMAS 87060 LIMOGES CEDEX 05/55/45/73/** 06/**/**/**/** patrick.vaudon@*****.fr ---------- Message transféré ---------- From: Quantum Physics 2016 <quantumphysics@conferenceseri es.net> To: <patrick.vaudon@*****.fr> Cc: Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2015 21:52:06 +0530 Subject: Abstract Accepted for Oral Presentation: Prof Patrick VAUDON Dear Dr. Patrick VAUDON, Greetings from Quantum Physics 2016 We would be delighted for your interest towards our prestigious conference. We received your abstract and it is our pleasure to inform you that your abstract has been accepted for Oral presentation. To register for the conference CLICK HERE http://quantumphysics.conferenceseri******/*********.php It is our pleasure to have eminent person like you as honorable participant in our esteemed conference. We hope your astonish presentation will strengthen our conference more than we expected. Should you have any queries, feel free to contact us. Awaiting for your response. Best Regards, Ricky Benson Quantum Physics 2016
  10. The paper proposes a new approach for quantum mechanics. I wish to know if actives on this forum agree
  11. I do not know quantum mechanics ... I wish a validation or not of the findings that I can understand
  12. Please try to read it. A french reader has had the same impression before go deeper he changed the document of January 2015 I read, so I made a mistake. I have edited my message copy of the end of the document : III – general conclusion http://patrick.vaudon.pagesperso-orange.frJune 2015 123 Quantum mechanics cannot be satisfied a very long time yet the impasse in which it is maintained by the ignorance of the underlying physical phenomena to the wave-particle duality. Because the DIRAC equation is the equation that describes the best to date, the behavior of the particles which compose the infinitely small world, we can think learn significant informations from it, if one is able to extract exact solutions. The general treatment of this equation as it is adopted today, and as it is developed in the first part, does not give all usable informations from this equation. Some solutions are achievable only at the cost of additional conditions relating to the conservation of energy. Combining these conditions to the hypothesis of solutions in the form of stationary modes, it is possible to show that one can construct a deterministic physics and energy vision of the infinitely small physics. The analysis of the solutions in Cartesian coordinates has allowed to check the complete consistency of these solutions with the vision of the Copenhagen school. Solutions in spherical coordinates confirms this consistency with various theoretical and experimental elements. The wave-particle duality is confirmed as an exchange of energy between mass energy and wave energy. The presence of imaginary terms in these exchanges shows that there is continuously transfer of energy between the positive energy particle and its antiparticle of negative energy. It is this exchange, taken as a plausible hypothesis, which allowed to access by a heuristic reasoning to exact solutions in spherical coordinates. The concept of spin ½, and its strange rotation of 4π to recover the initial state has an extremely simple physical explanation in one of exact solutions: when the component that carries the impulse energy following r rotates 2π to return to its starting point, the component that carries the impulse energy depending on φ and the component carrying the wave-particle duality turn 4π. The uncertainty principle is not as exclusive as in Cartesian coordinates, but it may be noted that at any given time, mass energy and impulse energy are never maximum at the same place, which is sufficient to show that in a point in space we cannot have all of the information concerning these two kinds of energy. Since we can only have a measure of the momentum or position by an exchange of energy with these two quantities, these measures are necessarily tainted uncertainty when they occur in the same point of space. Like any research work, this one is unfinished. It is proposed to scientific community interested in this topic to be shared, criticized, amended and/or strengthened.
  13. Hello ajb I wish a global validation (or not) of the document and why not corrections to its author (why not points on the tongue) I have no connection with the conference Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering in 2016 other than that the author I know personally. Finally you are accord with the conclusions of the author Thanks for your time.
  14. Hello swansont You first read then you can download if you want. It's free The same document is on Reasearchgate : http://www.researchgate.net/publication/272678838_An_energy_and_deterministic_approach_of_quantum_mechanics
  15. Thank you I would be patient I do not care for the author: he is preparing a more summary document for publication and he has already published.
  16. Hello It's not my work resume (CV) of the author only in french End of introduction of the document: "The work presented in this document is based on a set of exact, but new solutions to this day, of the DIRAC equation. This approach ensures therefore, intrinsically, consistency with all the theoretical properties built around this equation. It led, ultimately, to a description deterministic and no more probabilistic, of the wave-particle duality "
  17. Hello the author of the PDF document is preparing a specific paper for submission to the Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering 2016. So this is to post in speculation for now. Can you give your expert opinion? link http://patrick.vaudon.pagesperso-orange.fr/quantique.html Stéphane
  18. another link between unruh temperature and the acceleration of the universe in the m-theory: http://arxiv.org/pdf/0908.1001v1.pdf
  19. Hello The idea to calculate the temperature hawking at cmb and deduce an unruh acceleration related dark energy is not new: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1002.4278.pdf However, despite my research I have not found my equalities and their demonstration
  20. Hello I would like to know if the relations below are known? T Hawking the radius of CMB t1 / T Hawking the radius of CMB t0 = (M = total mass of dark energy included) unruh acceleration with T Hawking with the radius of the CMB t1 / unruh acceleration with T Hawking with the radius of the CMB t0 = for simplicity: M t1 * (CMB radius t0) ^ 2 * G / (M t0 * (CMB radius t1) ^ 2 * G ) (1) = Omega lambda t0 * radius of the CMB t1 / (Omega lambda t1 * radius t0 of the CMB) (2) equalities (1) and (2) are thus simplify: Omega lambda t0 * (CMB radius t1 ) * M ^ 3 t0 / (omega lambda t1 * (CMB radius t0) ^ 3 * M t1) = 1 that it simplifies Omega lambda t0 * H0 ^ 2 / (Omega lambda t1 * H1^ 2) = 1 we have value of the cosmological constant = 3 / c² * Omega lambda t0 * H0 ^ 2 there is therefore cste t0 / cste t1 = 1 Additional questions: - Can we consider the universe as a quantum black hole with Hawking radiation at cmb radius ? (edit) - Is this the theoretical demonstration (by expansion and experimental) of the validity of the unrhu effect? - Is it a link between quantum mechanics and acceleration of the universe? thank you in advance sorry for the text in french : it was translate by google chrome when I modifed the message... stéphane
  21. Bonjour Je voudrais savoir si les relations ci-dessous sont connus? THawking le rayon de CMB t1 / THawking le rayon de CMB T0 = (M = masse totale de l'énergie sombre inclus) unrhu accélération THawking avec le rayon de la CMB t1 / unrhu accélération THawking avec le rayon de la CMB = t0 pour la simplicité: M * t1 (t0 rayon CMB) ^ 2 * G / (M * T0 (t1 rayon CMB) ^ 2 * G ) (1) = Omega lambda t0 * rayon de la CMB t1 / (t1 * Omega lambda * rayon de la CMB t0) (2) égalités (1) et (2) sont simplifier ainsi: Omega lambda t0 * (rayon t1 CMB) ^ 3 * M T0 / (Omega lambda t1 * (CMB rayon T0) ^ 3 * M t1) = 1 qu'elle simplifie Omega lambda t0 * H0 ^ 2 / (Omega lambda t1 * H1 ^ 2) = 1 nous avons valeur de la constante cosmologique = 3 / c² * Omega lambda t0 H0 ^ 2 il est donc cste T0 / cste t1 = 1 Questions supplémentaires: - Peut-on considérer l'univers comme un rayon de CMB quantique du trou noir de rayonnement Hawking? - Est-ce la démonstration théorique (par l'expansion et expérimentale) de la validité de l'effet unrhu? - Est-il un lien entre la mécanique quantique et de l'énergie noire? Merci en avance stéphane
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