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Everything posted by Faissal

  1. Hello! I am a second year High School student from Brazil. Some weeks ago I came up with the idea of developing a system that could enable one to actively recall information. While making some research I came across some well known programs ( such as Anki) that uses the flash cards method. I personally do not work well with this method, so i discarded using it in my system. A couple of days after I found a very interesting graphic showing the forgetting curve by Ebbinghaus. This lead me to develop a "optimum interval" to refreshing information based on the Golden Ratio (1,6180...). And after crossing results with a personal research I have made on Memory I created a Excel spreadsheet using the "optimum interval" I found earlier. I wonder what are your guys thoughts of my BMS (Boost Memory System), point some of its faults maybe. The "optimum interval" (rounded) was the following: Day 1 (the first contact with the information), Day 2 (the day after), Week 1 ( a week after the first contact), Week 2 (two weeks after), Month 1 (one month after), Month 2 (two months after), Monthly Box (A box that should be reviewed at least once a month). Ps.: If someone desires to see the Excel spreadsheet, leave me a message and I will translate it and post it here.
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