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Everything posted by lindalines

  1. I always prefer the following ones from nerdy pick up lines which is an amazing post I just found it randomly on the Internet. Hi. My name is Windows. Can I crash at your place? Is your sine inverse pi/2? Because you’re the one. If I were an enzyme, I would be a helicase so I can unzip your jeans (genes). Good thing I brought my library card, ’cause I’m checking you out! Come back to my place and I’ll integrate your natural log. ‘Hey, If you were x, I want to be x^2/2 so that I could be, you know, the area under your curves.’ Would you like to be my parity bit? How many drinks does it take to get you to CHMOD 740? Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my base are belong to you I see you’re playing Tetris, give me a call if you need a long piece. “Excuse me, I am really attracted to you and according to Newton’s Laws of Gravitation, you’re attracted to me, too.!” Are you the Square Root of -1? Because you can’t be real. I am sure my code will become stable after I #include <you.h> in my life. For an Apple fanatic, Can iTouch ? You must be the square root of 2, because I feel irrational around you. You must be pi, because you make me feel positively transcendent. You must be i, because you make all my dreams come true. You must be e, because you give me a natural log. I wish I were DNA helicase, so that I can unzip your genes.
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