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Posts posted by Hactar

  1. I know, I was just kidding around with you because my team gets paint from draxxus.

    The more you play, the less cramps you get. I play twice a week and never get the terrible cramps and soreness that I got when I started playing. It gets you in shape really fast.

  2. Thanks for all the help - I went to the gaming center the other night and turned on the light above my computer. I also took a good 15 minute break outside. It really helped prevent me from getting a headache. When I left, my vision wasn't blurry and I felt better.


    I'll try upping the refresh rate on the monitor when I go there as well.

  3. Lately, my friends told me about a new LAN center in my area. We usually go about once a week to play games and have fun. Unfortunately, whenever I'm there for more than about 30 minutes, it becomes hard for me to focus and I get a headache. I've come up with several causes, but I'm not completely sure.


    - Its dark inside to give that cool sort of arcade feel. I was thinking that maybe its causing eye strain.


    -I'm wearing headphones, and thought that perhaps i was wearing them too tight, but removing them only helped my headache a tiny bit.


    -Its in the middle of the week, which means that I'm usually tired from school and work, and I was thinking that maybe that is causing it.


    This is unusual for me because a few years ago I played video games and PC games a lot, although in the past 2 years I haven't played them very much at all until recently. I never had this problem before. I don't wear glasses or contacts. I sit usually abour 1.5 feet from the monitor.

    Also, after I stop playing my vision is still blurry when I try to focus on far away objects, and the headache doesn't stop for a few hours. It also goes away faster if I'm in my house with the lights on. I'm considering going to an optician to get my eyes checked. Before I do that, however, my friends are going tonight and I plan on asking the owner to turn the lights on to see if I still get a headache. I'll post my results when I get back.

    Any contributions would be helpful, I probably overlooked something along the line.

  4. What about training routines for sprinting? I play paintball and need to be able to sprint all the time. Most people say to me "Just do sprints in your spare time", but I usually don't have much spare time for doing that, as well as having inclimate weather to deal with, living in Pennsylvania. Will doing calf exercises help?

  5. I read over your post a few times, and I think I understand it now. For some reason I have a really hard time understanding things like programming and so its a difficult subject for me. About starting mystery() with an uppercase letter, I never knew that was bad form. My teacher always does that and hasn't said anything about it. Thanks alot for your help!

  6. I'm learning recursive functions in my AP computer science class (which is taught in JAVA) and my teacher gave this question to us as an extra.


    public static void Mystery (int n)


    if (n < 0)

    return n;






    What I understand from it is that it takes the number (n) and reduces it until it gets to zero. It prints it before it subtracts 1 from it. So it would look like this (if I entered 4): 4 3 2 1 0


    But, he said that that final product should look like this: 4321001234

    What I don't understand is how it adds to 'n': I see that it prints 'n', then reduces it by 1, then prints it again.

    Maybe because its hard for me to manipulate numbers in my head that I'm not understanding it, but for the life of me I can't see where it is adding to 'n'.

    Also, there isn't any additional code to this: he just wrote it on the board as a stand-alone problem. Before I could really discuss it with him the class ended and I had to leave. What do you guys think?

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