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Posts posted by Questionist

  1. EDIT...This is already mentioned below in PS but I'll mention it here. The praise is not directed to OP but to pioneer (actually his name is Protist, the replies title is Pioneer), you can find his post on page 1. I couldn't quote it.


    My god man, you've got it precisely right.
    This issue is driving me mad, literally. I finished studying computer science and I am plagued by regret for not studying physics simply to have the credentials and the theoretical knowledge to prove this theory wrong.

    It is an excellent mathematical tool, but it as you said creates tangible things out of something abstract as time.
    You've explained my position better than I could and I have discussed this with doctors and students.

    People can explain quantum physics, econophysics and various advanced philsophical concepts. But explaining ANYTHING related to the theory of relativity is a no go for me.
    I get the whole string theory (as a layman), but I don't get the damn multiverse thing that was precisely created out of a need to pacifiy the theory with the theory of relativity.

    I don't even get the simple videos explaining the train of relativity thought experiment.
    Obviously get what is being stated but to me it almost sounds religious in nature. Certainly not sceintific.

    Why this need to assertain that time is a dimension. That two different pairs of lightningstrikes can happen in the same universe.

    Why, what drives this in my opinion fanatical stance?

    I'm going mad about this. I keep swearing to myself that I will be proven right in 25 years time and that I and people like me will never be credited with having held this opinion so strongly.
    Why is it that people can explain complicated concepts to me, why is that I am an "easy learner" and Always been called a "logical thinker" by people but I can not understand this. Not at all.



    edit: I tried to quote this one post but it didn't come along (I seem to be unable to even copy it, it can be found on page 1 by pioneer, his only post in the thread)...I cant even copy in a link, I had to manually enter it and then remove it because it did not work.

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