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Everything posted by TheLink

  1. do you eat peanuts by scuba diving? (Yeah my comment on your comment is very useless)
  2. Oh Im sorry that my english isnt to great I live in germany! But I didnt realy find a real way to express me because It might sound a bit wierd.
  3. Hi! Now I was going around in the park later today and I thought about Full Dive technologie (here is a post I made about it!: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/88270-full-dive-technologie/) now there seems to be a broblem with our pc´s because today of time we dont have so good pc´s to handel all of that Information! But we can our barins can Prosses Terabites of information every second! now so how about a Barian Pc so its not like you use a human as a pc dont get me wrong! but you could maybe make a new Brain it should not have its own mind or it will get mad and so... but you could maybe acctuly make a living pc in that kind of way... I mean we can make apples that taste like orange and we can make vagetarian meat and we can make new kinds of dogs so why should we not be able too to make a pc that can prosses all this information... Tell me what you think!
  4. Hi I wanted to sart this thread to talk to you about Full Dive (you might now this from The Animi Sword Art Online) So for anyone who does not know what Full Dive is: Full Dive is what you might call a full game so the idea of Full Diving is that you put on a helmet and you get trancferd to a gaming world and the controller is your brain! so thing with me please, you now have a helmet and your just laying on your bed but you thing you are in a other world try to move, oh you just moved in this Pc world right? well you are still laying on you bed with this helmet but you did not move in the Real Wolrd (for short RL) Thats the idea! now is it posible? and im sorry to tell you but no not right now... but I head some people are realy working on it now my ideas on how this could word are about like this: #1 this time the most painfull is the first! so this gets away from the Helmet idea to something else so you let some wires be implanted into you brain and connect these with your neves but this will be a 1 time thing because the wires must be connected from then on so you are just spleeping on a bed with wires that go into your head! this would also mean that you can not move your RL! you must than stay inside the game! FOREVER! #2 lets get a little better about this is is now a helmet, so you put on a helmet that is about the size and form from a bike helmet, you put it on and you say "Link Start" by voice tracking these day thats no problem so you than get some kind of fluid from the helmet that puts you to sleep that should not be a problem too! So now that your sleeping the helmet should put you into a "new world" this world is the Pc world now because you are sleeping it could be a bit complex! if there is some way to get you paralised that would work too! But! the helmet could probably read your mind and so but it could probably not catch them so you will need to be in some sort of sleep or paralisation so your RL does not move! Problems: 1: there is not Pc that could handel so much info the helmet alone could NEVER prosses so much information is so less time so it must be connected to a pc and to make it realisic the graphics must be at least 8K that is 8 times as many pixels as in Full HD that is 1.000 pixels! best would be 16K by the way! and it would use A LOT of energy! but there might be such a pc in about 2020 I dont know about the 8-16K but yes! End: I will keep updating this post! dont worry if you have any ideas please post them down below!
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