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Everything posted by slimender

  1. Yes, you may see gram negative with gram positive in all parts of the slide haha. That's because I have no experience in microbiology. So I'm not sure about my ability to do gram staining. I think they're the same stain because, at first (in broth tube) it has only 2 types of bacteria in there. Yes, at first I thought it was diplococcus. But my friend said that may be it was heterogeneous bacilli bacteria.
  2. Hi you guys, I’ve just got a problem about bacteria shape. At first, I’ve got a broth tube, which has 2 types of bacteria, with Streptococcus in it as a picture below. I’m pretty sure they’re Streptococcus. But after I’ve streaked my plate, it seems like they’re Staphylococcus. As it is a cluster shape. (As picture below) In my opinion, I think it is Streptococcus. Maybe it looks like cluster shape because they’re coiled freely. What do you guys think? Is it possible that Streptococcus can coiled freely that they look like Staphylococcus? Thanks for your answer. I’m very appreciated. Ps. You don't have to consider gram staining. Ps2. If you need more photo, just let me know.
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