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Everything posted by 1x0

  1. None. I don´t think there is any other. I am interested about the understanding of the community.
  2. Interesting. I still do not see more properties of time than the infromation it provides about the physical entities. I see though the thought why Einstein use it as a spacetime, I mean time is ticking ever since space exist.
  3. This is your quote Strange. I wonder how you mean it. Can you describe your understanding? I asked how you mean it. Something is strange Strange.
  4. I am aware of that. What is your understanding? That sounds like the observation. Information is the result of the measurement or observation. But that information is part of the observed system. How can we evaluate the contained information? Could binary systems describe complex systems like information and its correlation to the physical system? If not the binary system which approach is the best to make sense of information? Why do you think information is not a physical entity/property/unit of the system when we can observe the evolution of it, like the development and evolution of DNA in the past 4 billion years? We can also manipulate and attach information to other physical systems like in computers and information technologies. I do not see more properties of time than the information it provides of the inspected physical system. I am just curious of your understanding. You said that time is a dimension. I would be interested how you mean that. Could you describe this in detail how you mean it?
  5. I am aware of that thx. What does time provide more than information? Which properties time has?
  6. Ok. Thx No. Have studied biophysics 15 years ago. That does not count here. What is information then? Does information is a physical entity? How does information belongs to the system? I mean our genetic code is a heritable collection of information. If we wanna follow the origin of information it goes back until the introduction of the Laws of Nature. Or? Related to your understanding and experience If you would have to name one as first which one would be that and why?
  7. True. The coordinates though subjectively set. We do not know the exact size of space and the exact starting point of time. The coordinates still works good until we work in the same frame we set. How can I imagine time as a physical dimension? Does information is a dimension? Does time is more then information about space or other physical entities we measure with it? Did space time energy matter and information started at the same time? Can any of this physical conceptions exist without one another? Does space and energy/matter are different dimensions? I mean space still expands with the existing singularities.
  8. Information about a physical unit´s lenght of existence. Exist since something is out there.
  9. It started from nothing. It have stared from the physical zero state which is a space time energy matter information free nothing. I think the exponential evolution of space and the linear information about it point´s to a zero state origin. I also think that information/intelligence had been the first step of evolution. The smallest physical(metaphysical) value in proportion to zero. Note that nothing(zero) is a conception ever since anything exist. Note that the physical zero state is a common reference point for physics, mathematics and philosophy
  10. God and the physical reality The current physical/mathematical explanations of our Universe do not take information and intelligence into account when as far as I understand everything has built related to a general law. I think the exponential development of space and energy and the linear information about them provided by time points that the Universe have started from the physical 0 state. Because of this I have had to ask which mathematical operation would describe the first physical process and what would be that? The first physical process I would say 0x1=1 where 0 is the space time energy matter information free nothing and 1 is the first sign of intelligence/information - the will of existence - described by a natural number. I have to assume that information/intelligence is the first metaphysical unit since the sign of intelligence/information is in every physical unit in our universe. The will of existence like this at this given space-time moment would be: 0.0000...001 Smaller than any other physical/metaphysical unit but more than the physical 0. I do believe that math has the ability to describe the physical operations. I inspect the mathematical world from the physical realities point of view. I do believe that every physical unit actually already manipulated by zero or in other worlds our reality is existing in proportion to zero. (everything already multiplied/divided by zero) The operation with zero on any value is giving the value presented in the mathematical operation. Zero is a conception ever since anything exist! On the quest to understand: The beginning is unknown but we can assume it from what we experience. The explanation for the beginning of the Universe is a philosophical/physical/mathematical assumption. 1. Our physical world built by the Laws of Nature. Every atom and subatomic particle carries the information of the Laws of Nature. As I inspected my existence and I gave the usual questions to myself why am I here? what is the purpose of my life? etc... I realized that actually I am intelligent, that my intelligence can exist because my physical appearance allows it. Like this my energy with consciousness is a consequence of a 13.7 billion years long cause and causality development guided by the Laws of Nature. Realizing this and take in consideration that Humanity is just about to enter the age of technological Singularity I had have to realize that biological existences might have created 3-4 billion years after the big bang and that a civilization starting to evolve 5 billion years before ours must be a type 4-5 civilization by now. We could call them Gods since the Intelligence what they own related to ours is like Our intelligence related to bacterias. We could call them Gods and related to Us they are, but in my opinion God is the starting will of existence which appeared in the physical 0 state. It have appeared before the big bang and determined the evolution of space and the appearance of energy then evolve to be the Laws Of Nature which is as general intelligence presented in everything. Every information/Intelligence/consciousness in the entire Universe determined by this Laws and so God (the basic will of existence, the evolving general intelligence) is part of everything. 2. Value is a subjective conception. We use abstract mathematics today which has difficulties to give values to the physical world (1x0=...2/0=...0/2=?...) Because of this the determination of value is subjective. One thing we can still know. If we understand the state of physical 0 (space time energy matter and even information free nothing) related to that state everything has some kind of value. Electrons, atoms and the whole physical world is revealing values and by that and since we are physical entities our attributes connected to the physical world reveals values too. We are not able to evaluate those values on the right way yet but they are there. Intelligence, Freedom, Responsibility, Peace, Love, Unity, Good will, Curiosity, Power, Respect....... 3. Everything what I inspect has a reason why it has evolved. Through gravity We are connected to the entire Universe. By this every atom and electron plays a role in Our existence. Every creature around Us has a function and has a reason why it evolved and how it has evolved. The whole world is built on each other creating an interconnected biophysical mass. The ground reason is the will of existence what is presented in our own intelligence at this given space-time we live in. 4, Everywhere around me I see the evidence of Intelligence. Everything is carrying the sing of Intelligence. Everything what is existing is an evidence. I do not think that energy and matter always existed. I think our Universe is energy matter organized by the Laws of Nature in space I think our Universe has evolved from the physical 0 state which is a space time energy matter information free nothing. I think first, the Laws of Nature got introduced in the physical 0 state as a BASIC Intelligence the simple will of existence which determined the evolution of space and the appearance of energy..etc. The big bang is a consequence and it is most likely still on and it is still produces energy. Everything in our Universe has a cause and causality relation. Our universe is one. It is one space with common physical Laws. I think there is no possibility for multiverses theories because everything will ever exist will exist in the common space, time and gravitational field frame. Math should be refined by physics so it´s operations and the natural numbers fit and describe the physically existing values! (2/0=...1x0=...0/2=...0.1x0.1=....etc) Note that without physical reality math does not exist, without physical tool as our brain we can not process math… Note that we are energy with consciousness resulting from a minimum 13.8 billion years of cause and causality development regulated by the Laws of Nature in the physical reality. We have one past and an infinite possibility of choice for the future. If something happened it will always be like that. The double slit experiment proves that everything is interconnected and even with inspection, we have effect on the inspected one. The past and the result of the inspection can not be changed. There is no other world where the result of your inspection would be different. Questions should be answered and task should be performed before trying to explain Quantum Mechanics: 1. Where from the Universe started to evolve? 2. In which shape Space started to extend at the beginning of time? 3. What caused the appearance of the energy? 4. Where the first energy has appeared in the expanding space? 5. What caused the Big Bang? 6. Did the Laws of Nature prevailed in the Big Bang determining the evolution of space, time, energy, matter? 7. In which shape Energy has expanded in the Big-Bang? 8. Did all the space, energy and matter created in one fraction of a second? 9. Can starting space, energy, matter creation be longer than a second? 10. Which force/circumstance stopped the Big-Bang? 11. Can we count the Universe as one? 12. What shape the Universe has? 13. Does the Universe has a center? 14. What position in space the center of a supersymmetric Universe has? 15. Where does the gravitational force is the strongest in the supersymmetric Universe? 16. Does Heisenberg´s uncertainty principle stands in the center of the supersymmetric Universe? 17. How far an other Independent Universe has to be from Us, that our Universes space, time and gravitational force has 0 effect on it? 18. Which mathematical operation describe the first physical process? 19. From the physical point of view how much is 0x1 if 0 is a space-time-energy-matter-information free nothing and 1 is any physical unit described by a natural number? 20. Can you and how can you create a lower value than the physical 0 state? 21. Is there lower values than the physical 0 state in the Universe or is there opposite values in the Universe? My answers: 1. From the physical 0 state 2. Sphere 3. The emerging space 4. Right in the middle 5. First energy in the emerging space. 6. Yes. 7. Sphere. 8. No 9. Yes 10. Did not stop the Big Bang is still on. 11. Yes. The Universe has evolved from the physical 0 state. Ever since anything exist the physical 0 is a conception. Since the evolution of space originates from this state everything exist has to exist in the same space-time gravitational field frame with the common Laws of Nature. 12. Symmetric. Sphere. 13. Yes 14. Fixed 15. In the center of the system. 16. No 17. There is just one Universe. 18. 0x1=1 19. 1 20. You can not create lower value than the physical 0 state. There are opposite values but lower than the physical 0 can not exist. 21. There are opposite values. Lower value than the physical zero can not exist.
  11. We agree on this. That is why I am here. Ever reaction is experience and information. I am starting a mathematical tool with correlation of a common reference point with physics. The only conception which is the same in math, physics and philosophy. Multiplication. It is the limited information what we work with. 600 years ago the earth was the center of the universe as a flat object. Might be. But there is a reason for energy to exist and this is my best assumption why it is there. What could cause the continuous accelerating expansion of space under the force of gravity and the constant production of energy. Cause and causality. I do not see any other option how it could happen. And how the universal accelerator could work. Space is a different dimension as energy and matter. In other worlds space will expand even singularity is present.
  12. We try to quantify metaphysical values. It´s called economy. As intelligent and productive you are as much you are supported (generally) in the system. Your salary is not the same as the factory worker in Bangladesh. It is not faith. It is the understanding of intelligence and its presence through our physical tools. It is in the system. To deny it is just to close our eyes to keep up a present system because it would be too difficult to refine it. You are not able to describe a system if you do not work with all of its components.
  13. That it started in relation with the first metaphysical information in the system and a low energy presented with this information. Space expands in relation with this information. So space is expanding in a low energy and matter free circumstances. The original low energy limits its expansion. I suggest c2. That is an possibility.
  14. take a 1 cm long ruler. expand the spacing between each graduation from 0cm to 1 cm. Repeat it further. The ruler will have an exact center does not matter how many times you expand it.
  15. I can because I has burst to existence at a point. Where from the exponential expansion started. Exactly. I do not think it was explosion it is my expression mistake. Time did not expand rapidly. Time is linear information about space and energy. There is a center. It is expanding in a certain way. Otherwise you would not be able to make sense of symmetry. Explained in a previous comment to strange. Existence is part of the physical reality. It belongs to the system you have to count with it. It is far from intuitive because we work with mathematical tools not able to make sense. They would make sense if you would work with a tool adjust to the system you use the tool in. 0*1=1 I assume this related my understanding of the proportions of zero. As it does not contain any information any operation with this state does not make sense. It is a reference point for the physically presented values. I do not see any evidence that it would be on any different way. None of the existing phyisical values will be infinite or zero in proportion to zero. They will indicate the same value as before the operation.
  16. I do not think infinity is a possibility as I said before. The universe is an every evolving, increasing but in every moment a finite/complete system. I start to think that information/intelligence is the reason of it´s way of evolution. There can be many possibilities as geometry and topology. The possibilities are actually infinite. And every mathematician or physician appears will find a different approach for explanation in the infinite possibilities. If you inspect it from the zero state and you adjust the observed scientific results it will be just one option for the evolution. Also if we try to work with a system all of the systems components should be accounted as intelligence and information what I miss from the current explanations. You would not be able to make sense of a subatomic particle if you would not be able to make sense of its absence. Imagine the absence of space time energy matter and information. That is the physical zero state. This state can not exist again (multiverse theories??) it is a conception. But you can make sense of metaphysical attributes with this tool. It is a reference point. I can prove it with any value presented in the system because it´s complete physical properties (evolution included) can explained in proportion to zero. If you try to explain it from any other subjectively set point you won´t be able to give the complete information describes the inspected physical value. No I don´t. I exist in a physical reality and my metaphysical attributes presented in this system through a physical tool. I want to make sense of it with science tries to explain this physical reality. One of my problems with the current approaches, that they do not include intelligence and its evolution in the current theories. How can I trust that they do not manipulate what they work with so it is supporting theirs current theories. I think this is one of the reasons why we are not able to have a common working physical model of the universe. Scientists do not work with all of the components of the system so obviously the can not provide a complete answer. + the confusing infinity......
  17. I think space expands exponentially, does it from zero, burst to existence, the point where from the exponential evolution started. Time is not infinite. Time exist since anything exist. Time is information about existing physical values like space. We can not make sense of the origin because we do not have scientific prove of that? We do not have prove of infinity ether. But because space expands and we have the linear information of time about it, is more likely that it started from somewhere than it is infinite. Also assuming that something ever existed is like calling the almighty God for reasoning. I do think that there is some mystery at the beginning of the system but can not imagine someone creates everything so it can just reorganize itself. If it would be so the creator would have to be almighty to set the right laws of nature in this infinite chaos so your metaphysical attributes are actual physical realities after infinite amount of time passed. I think the system evolving. Why? Because space, time, energy, matter, information evolves. If so it is evolving from a smaller and less organized system. If you continue this line long enough you reach the smallest possible physical state which is the physical zero state. It is definitely enough to be able to claim that if you say that there is something at the beginning you do not inspect the beginning. It is enough to set a conception how/what the beginning state could be. Because it is as simple as it sounds.
  18. I did. The purpose is different. I understand enough from that part. I would like to find answers on this claims. To set up an empty set´s cardinality you need a physical tool to make sense and to create this empty set in you head. This is a lot of physically positive process so the result of your thoughts about the empty set is actually physically not valid, it is not nothing. You can not ignore physical correctness during the process you build the mathematical world, because without physically presented systems you would not be able to make sense. So It would be nicer if the mathematical system you create with your physical tool (your brain and the produced metaphysical results your thoughts) would support the physical system you exist in. Zero is a space(time), energy(matter), information free nothing. A common reference point for physics and math. You just pick a subjective point. Your though on the empty set is more than nothing.
  19. It was a reflection why I assume that space expands as a sphere and the way to reason why I assume It is expanding from a point and pick up the sphere form. I am materialized energy with consciousness. A physical entity with metaphysical properties. The results of a 13.8 billion years long cause and causality development governed by the Laws of Nature. I want to make sense of my existence. All of them. Anything what makes sense.
  20. My understanding is that if something is expanding in all directions it is expanding from somewhere. I assume that it is a smaller size it is expanding from. So at the end it is one point where it has expanded from. Prove? Cause and causality with common sense. Not enough? Give an example how otherwise could it happen or what is wrong with the reasoning. The expansion of space therefore has to be spherical. If so this system has to have a center. The same as the earth or the sun. Should I prove it? I can not. I haven´t been there I did not see it with my naked eye. But I can assume it because that is how it is logical from the information I received. These systems are spherical and sphere´s use to have a center. Do you have different understanding. Reason please. My understanding is that the universe has started from nothing. If you inspect any physically presented value and you claim that that is the beginning, you do not inspect the origin. Why? Because that physically presented unit originates from somewhere and there is cause and causality correlation guided by the Law´s of Nature behind it´s presence. Prove? Simple logic. Could you present your understanding of the origin of the system? There are so many different ones.
  21. Our current understanding says that the Universe started from one point which I think is right. If space has started in that moment then it is expanding all directions with the same speed makes it a sphere. If energy applied in the system the most likely place where it would appear is the center of the system. (symmetry) As space will evolve with a symmetric shape so the distribution of energy and later matter will follow a symmetric evolution. Could support the almost isotropic appearance.
  22. Apophenia. What you "see" is irrelevant. Please provide some objective way that this "intelligence" can be measured. Every atom in the Universe is operating in correlation with the Laws of Nature. (can you deny it?) The Laws of Nature presents information which determine the construction of the individual physical entities. As your body is built by atoms and so by the Laws of Nature and you present a level of intelligence being able to make sense of your existence, communicate and reason It is sign of intelligence. I raised this questions to be able to make sense of those attributes we own. It is a metaphysical property and so since it is existing beyond our physical appearance the only reference point I can use is zero. Do you understand what I say or you do not make sense. You understand you can have a 1 if you do not understand you have 0. Then you can set it in a binary system and you can present Intelligence. 0*1*01001000100001001. 0*1*0*1001000100001001. we work in the same system with the exact same origin. Even our DNA which is informative matterialized energy on 99.99% is the same. We are mainly different in our metaphysical properties. This would be the best way to present it in the system. Because the system evolves. Space expands. It is not the result of an almighty creation where everything ever existed. What is your prove to claim that? If space expands it means that it started from somewhere and as time is a linear information about it It points down to a starting point. On the philosophic level you can not claim a point as the beginning or origin if something is presented during the observation. In this case where does the presented physical values originates from? (almighty?) A good approximation is not good enough. And since it is not seems to be a perfect homogeneous and isotropic system I can assume that it is not.
  23. If it would be isotropic you would not see any structure in it. If you inspect it on a lower scale as our solar system does it seems to you isotropic? I see differences in the distribution of energy and matter gravitational force. Which prove you have for the isotropic distribution? " As is typical for spiral galaxies, the orbital speed of most stars in the Milky Way does not depend strongly on their distance from the center. Away from the central bulge or outer rim, the typical stellar orbital speed is between 210 and 240 km/s" As our galaxy works in the same system the center is the motion presented in the galaxy is relative to the center of the universe.
  24. The natural numbers The dividing by zero can be undefined because we have zero undefined. If zero is defined the operations with zero can be defined too. This is my axiom: zero= space-time-energy-matter-information free nothing Zero is the common reference point for mathematics, physics and philosophy. Note that zero as a mathematical or physical axiom is a conception ever since anything exist!!! If zero does not even carry information then the result of any operation with zero will be the value we have operated zero with. In other words zero does not have any effect on anything since it is nothing. The rest of the mathematical system is our common determinations/agreements but the property of zero can not be changed. 0x0=0 0/0=0 0+0=0 0-0=0 1x0=1 1/0=1 1+0=1 1-0=1 2x0=2 2/0=2 2+0=2 2-0=2 .....the natural numbers Can you give a better definition for zero?
  25. The mathematical and physical scientific communities. Like: 1 ÷ 0 = ∞ 1 ÷ ∞ = 0 To keep up the option to say what ever they think? There is no signs that anything disappears from the system, but there is signs of evolution. Space expands and it does so even singularities exist in the system. Gravity is constant(?), space expands, mass increases.
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