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james bond

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Posts posted by james bond

  1. The blog story is full of rubbish; dollars between an Italian and a British organisation, who is the Academy of Medicine (Royal College of Surgeons would be more likely), no copies of his name in any other sources etc.


    there is this



    But he wasn't born with two hearts




    neither was she


    iam searching for a man born with two hearts


    So in response to a criticism of using the Dail Fail as a source, you post more articles from the same rag. I'm not even going to bother reading them.



    I don't know. Are there are any peer-reviewed scientific papers on the subject?


    i dont know

    is there any links prove that The heart code is not a book of science ??

    i hope you help me with it


    If it is in the Daily Mail, then it could just be a story they made up. Much of what they publish is lies. The story even contradicts itself. I woud recommend you avoid reading that ignorant hate-filled rag.


    On the other hand, millions of people get married and die, and thousands of them have transplants, so some sequence of events like this wouldn't be too surprising. It certainly isn't scientific evidence of anything.







    If it is in the Daily Mail, then it could just be a story they made up. Much of what they publish is lies. The story even contradicts itself. I woud recommend you avoid reading that ignorant hate-filled rag.


    On the other hand, millions of people get married and die, and thousands of them have transplants, so some sequence of events like this wouldn't be too surprising. It certainly isn't scientific evidence of anything.

    Dr.Annette Deyhle

    sent me this message

    Dear James, we have done much research on heart-brain interaction. We have shown, that the heart usually sends signals to the brain first, and the brain responds. Also the electromagnetic energy field of the heart is bigger than that of the brain. The heart has neurons, similar to the brain. We do not say that the heart is only responsible for thinking, however it is more important than science gave it credit for. You can read more about our research in the Science of the Heart: http://www.heartmath.org/free-services/downloads/science-of-the-heart.html

    so is heartmaths is a real science or not ?


    I doubt it, very much. It looks like utter drivel. (Why post a random picture, instead of a link to the book you are asking about.)



    To make money. Read his bio: he writes popular books about nonsense and then gets paid huge amounts to talk about them.



    Wikipedia defines cellular memory as "the pseudoscientific hypothesis that memories can be stored in individual cells".


    So, no.




    I'm not speak fluent English .. I hope they will continue the same pattern in the use of uk english



    the book



    a friend told me that the heart code is not a book of science

    Relying on these links





    iam not really good in english and i hope you help me to explain what does this links says in simble words

  5. Is Heart The heart code recognized in the scientific community

    Is it contains incorrect information?

    What is the purpose of the writer wrote the book and why?




    does the heart has Cellular Memories control the brain and all the body??

    is Cellular Memories responsible for thinking and cognition??


    I want a detailed answer ,please :wacko:


  6. at first .. iam sorry for bad english


    so out topic about does heart thinks !!

    i quote this artical from a muslim friend -in qur'an the heart think .. not brain- so he tries to pove that heart thinks with this artical ,, and i want your opinion about it ... is it true ?? does heart thinks !!!



    Brain heart-related
    Is the brain controls the work of the heart as scientists say, or that the opposite is true? Should you, dear reader, to learn that medical science is lagging behind !! This is recognized by the West themselves scientists, understanding completely ignorant minute processes that occur in the brain, are ignorant of how to remember the rights things, and do not know why sleeping rights, and why the heart beats, and what makes this heart beats, and many things they are unaware, they publish their research only what they see, they do not have any absolute rule, but everything they have experience and observation and the senses.
    But we, as Muslims, we have an absolute facts are the facts that told us about the Holy Qur'an 14 centuries ago when he emphasized in many verses that the heart is the emotion and thought and mind and memory center. Since only thirty years, some researchers began observing the relationship between the heart and brain, also noted that the heart's role in the understanding of the world around us, and the story began when they noticed a strong correlation between what is understood and felt by the human, and the heart rate, blood pressure and respiration rate in the lungs. Hence, some researchers began studying the relationship between the heart and brain. They found that the heart affect the electrical activity of the brain.
    Scientists did not prove that the heart has nothing to do with emotions, but no one can prove it, because they could not reveal all secrets of the heart, so when we say that the heart is the one who directs the brain at work, this speech logical and there is no Enaweh scientifically, and more importantly, it consistent with the Koran.
    Hard thing scientifically that the heart communicates with the brain through a complex network of nerves, and there are joint communications between the heart and brain in the form of electrical signals, and confirms some scientists that the heart and brain are working in unison and harmony wondrous if any defect occurred in this harmony unrest emerged immediately.
    Dr Armour The heart of its system in the treatment of the information coming from different parts of the body, and therefore the success of heart transplantation depends on the nervous system of the transplanted heart and its ability to cope with the patient.
    Exciting scenes!
    Psychological treatment Linda Marks says after work for a period of twenty years in the Heart Center: Ausbandonni people were asking: Why do you work in this position and you just know that the heart pump blood has nothing to do psychological status of the human being? I answered that I felt the change that is happening in the psychiatric patient before and after the coin heart transplant, and felt change his passion, but I have no scientific evidence, but what I see in front of me. But since the nineties I got to know one of the women who are interested in this subject, a "Linda Rusk," which managed to score a relationship between electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the heart electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the brain, and how the field of electromagnetic field of the heart that affects the magnetic field of the person's brain contrast!
    Professor Gary Schwartz Specialist psychiatry at the University of Arizona, and Dr. Linda Russek believe that the heart of a private power whereby information is stored and processed also. Thus, the memory is not only in the brain, but it may be the heart and supervisor engine has it. Dr. Gary research included more than 300 cases of heart transplant, and found that all had happened to her psychological changes radically after the operation.
    Dr. Schwartz says we have planted the heart of a child from another child, his mother a doctor has died and decided his mother to donate his heart, and then monitored the case of well-transplant, and says this mother: "I always felt that I was still alive, when approaching this child (who holds the heart of her son) Bdqat felt his heart and when he hugged me I felt completely my child, if the child has a heart of most of my child! "
    And that this feeling assured that this child began to show the defect in the left side, and then found that the child of the deceased owner original heart had been suffering from a defect in the left side of the brain hinders his movement, and after that was this heart transplant after a period show that the brain began to fall ill defect the left side of the child as a case completely dead the owner of the original heart.
    What is the interpretation of that? Simply say that the heart is, which oversees the functioning of the brain, and imbalance in the brain child of the deceased was caused by the heart, and that heart transplant after another child, his heart began practicing on the brain and the process of this imbalance in the brain of the child.
    Says Dr. Linda: exciting cases also have been a heart transplant for the girl was suffering from ill in the heart muscle, but became every day feel as if nothing collides Besderha Vcko to her doctor this case and says this is because of the influence of drugs, but it turns out later that her original heart shock car in the chest and the last words uttered by the shock they feel the pain in her chest.

    Hundreds and hundreds of cases that have occurred have profound changes, he sank a child of three years old in the home pool, and donated her family her heart to be planted nine years strange old child, this child became very afraid of the water, but he says his parents do not Throw me in the water !!


    The heart is responsible for emotions


    There is something interesting, namely that those patients who have replaced their hearts, artificial hearts, lost feeling and emotions and the ability to love! In 11/8/2007 Washington Post newspaper published a press inquiry about a man named Peter Houghton was carried his artificial heart transplant operation, the patient says: "My feelings have changed completely, I no longer know how to feel or love, even their grandchildren do not feel I do not know how to deal with them, when approaching me not feel that they are part of my life as I was before. "

    This man has become indifferent to anything, does not care about money, is not interested in life, do not know why live, but he sometimes thinks of suicide and heart to get rid of this ill-fated! This man is no longer able to understand the world around him, I've lost the ability to understand or discrimination or comparison, as well as have the ability to predict, or thinking about the future or what we call intuition. Even he had lost faith in God, and no longer indifferent to the Hereafter as before !!
    Up to this moment, doctors could not explain this phenomenon, what happened to this great psychological transformation, and what relationship the same human heart and feelings and thinking? Professor Arthur Caplan Head of the Department of Medical Ethics at the University of Pennsylvania, says: "The scientists did not give attention to this phenomenon, but we did not study the passion and the members of the self-body relationship, but dealing with the body just like a machine."
    Artificial heart is a device that is implanted in the patient's chest is running on battery carried by the patient permanently and replaces whenever ran out, this device like a pump pumps blood and constantly, and if you put your head on the chest of the patient do not hear any beats but hear the sound of an electric motor!
    The first artificial heart was implanted in 1982 patients with 111 and lived on, and then the development of this science so that scientists were able in 2001 of making artificial heart called the AbioCor a sophisticated and mild heart weighs less than a kilogram (900 grams) and is grown at the heart patient . The first artificial heart transplant was full in 2001 oversaw a patient to die, but he lived the industrial heart of four months, and then his health deteriorated and lost the ability to speak and understand, and then he died after that.

    The process of artificial heart transplant patient, and scientists say that the results they came up with, and the large imbalance in the perception and understanding suffered by the owner of the industrial heart confirms that the heart has an essential role in understanding and perception, and that the heart is more than a pump, the human heart more redefine than we imagine!
    Artificial heart has failed as Drug Administration and the US Food confirmed because the patients who has made this heart transplant operations have died after several months due to a sudden heart attack,
    Brain heart
    The explanation for this phenomenon is unacceptable that there is within the human heart cells, especially memory is where all the events in which the man is going through storage programs, and these programs are sending this memory for the brain to process it.
    We note that the heart rate varies depending on the psychological and emotional human condition, and according to Dr. J. Andrew Armour that there is a severe brain complexity exists within the heart, within each cell of the heart cells, in the heart of more than forty thousand neurons are working very carefully to regulate heart rate and secretion of hormones and store information, then the information is sent to the brain, this information plays an important role in understanding and perception.
    So the information flow from the heart to the brain stem and then enter the brain via special passages, and directs the brain cells to be able to understanding and comprehension. Therefore, some scientists today are interested in the establishment of centers to study the relationship between the heart and the brain and the relationship of the heart psychological, cognitive processes, after they realized the significant role of the heart in the thinking and creativity.
    Vibrations from the heart
    Dr. Paul Pearsall says the heart felt and feel and remember and sends vibrations enables it to an understanding with other hearts, and helps regulate the body's immunity, and contains information sent to all parts of the body with each beat of Ndath. Some researchers are wondering: Is it possible to live memory deep in our hearts?
    The heart of regular Baahall controlled rhythm of the body fully is a way to link each cell of the body through his work as a pump blood, where reflect all the blood that the heart cell and carry information from it and go out to the rest of the cells of the body, the heart, then do not feed the body with blood pure but also fueled the information!
    One of the strange research conducted at the Institute of "Mathematics of heart" HeartMath they found that the electric field of the heart is very strong and affect the people around us, that any human can communicate with others through his heart, only without speaking !!!
    Mathematics Heart Institute Research
    Mathematics Heart Institute conducted many experiments which proved that the heart transmits electromagnetic frequencies affecting the brain and direction in his work, and it is possible that the heart affect the perception and understanding of the process in humans. They also found that the heart transmits electric field is the strongest among the members of the body, so it is likely to dominate the entire body of work. Curved bottom represents the heartbeat, and the three curves representing the response of the brain above the reaction and how his frequency affected by the status of the heart.

    A new story to prove that the heart is the center of atheism or faith


    Days from the date of writing this article before (10/4/2008) Daily newspaper published a mile an amazing story emphasizes greatly that the heart has a crucial role in the faith and disbelief, feelings and perception as well. A woman from a young man she married after years of being married and due to the sharp wanted to get rid of his life Suicide with a gun to his head and he died.

    But his heart remained working so the doctors commissioned to eradicate and is in good condition and has grown to a patient believer loves very good reaction, this patient has heart failure and the need for a new heart was him so, and the joy and thanked the people of the young suicide bomber His original heart and began a new life.
    The accident came to meet the young man's wife committed suicide (his widow) Vahs immediately known that a long time ago, but did not hide his feelings towards her, and told her his love to her, and that he can not live without it !! Here heart began practicing his thing, though, that this man felt towards his wife the original heart, confirms that the heart still keeps his feelings and his feelings and memories with this woman! But this did not draw the attention of one yet.
    The new pair is no longer a believer as before, the features of atheism show, but tries to hide what was able to make the journey began, and began this heart tormented, no longer likely Vanthr life in the same way that committed suicide by young owner of the original heart, so he fired a shot to the head he died on the spot !!!
    This startled the people around him, how can a man a believer loves doing good, he was happy and pleased that helps people and everyone loved him, how turned to despair and atheism did not find him only to commit suicide, a very simple explanation, which is that thinking and perception at the heart, not the brain. Had just heart pump, did not happen with this man what happened, he loved the same woman, and committed suicide in the same way!
    Brain heart
    Some researchers talk today about the brain to the heart, assert that the heart has its own rules of the nervous system, a complex system they call the brain in the heart broadcast with every splash the blood of a number of messages and information to all parts of the body, and has an electrical system is complex and has its own energy, electromagnetic field has a hundred times stronger than the brain !
    This image shows nerve cells inside the heart, which is a very complex cells, scientists did not know yet how they work, but these cells are responsible for storing information and uploaded to the blood cells and broadcast all over the body, and are therefore more like a computer's memory that does not work without it. Reference: Institute of Mathematics heart Americas
    Heart and cognition
    In research conducted by researchers Rollin McCraty and Mike Atkinson was presented at the annual meeting of the Society Albavlovi in 1999, came the outcome of this research that there is a relationship between the heart and the process of perception, and the researchers demonstrated this relationship by measuring the electromagnetic field of the heart and brain activity during the process of understanding that is, when trying to human understanding of the phenomenon, and found that the process of cognition commensurate with the functioning of the heart, and whenever the functioning of the heart was less aware of less.
    The results provided by the Institute of Mathematics heart impressive and emphasizes that when you are approaching from another person or touch or talk to him, the ongoing changes in heart rate system you have, reflected on his brain !! This means that your heart affect the brain who is in front of you.

    In this picture a man (and teammate) live in the heart of industrial, it is linked permanently bars for nutrition battery, if that place him fitted with an artificial heart loses much sense of things around the process and become reactions almost non-existent, and spoke very significant changes in his personality. This proves the work of the heart in the thinking and reactions in the brain is also directing.


    Heart and Soul


    Daily newspaper published a mile on 9/4/2008 important article titled Can we really transplant a human soul? Do we really have to cultivate the spirit of the human being? Because of the dramatic events that Srdtha article I wanted to move them and attach them to see that all the scientists reveal today, and what surprised him have talked about the Koran and pointed out clearly what testifies to the miracle of this great book.

    1. The transplant is not as it was just thinking that scientists cultivation or transferred from one person to another, it is the transfer of part of his memories and emotions and spirit! Therefore, many of the problems facing scientists because of the patient's personality change after the transfer of a new member to him. Perhaps the most obvious cases of what happened a few days ago a person named Sony Graham, who was a lover of good men, life, and after undergoing a heart transplant from someone who died by suicide, profound changes have taken place in the character of this man even committed suicide in the same way !!
    2. Claire is the 47-year-old woman was hit by rising primary pulmonary hypertension, and almost to death, and happened to be dead 18-year-old motorcycle accident they took the heart and lungs and has Zraathma to Claire. Claire says: immediately after the operation I felt that in my chest the heart is different from my heart and strikes vary.
    The first question asked by reporters to Claire after the operation, what you're feeling now said I desire "beer" dramatically, and surprised at all of the people around them, they do not drink "beer" was originally not interested in, what happened? Claire follow her story says: I started a month after the operation I desire some foods that I did not love her like a chicken, and began to behave like men, and I felt that I am not a man and a woman! And I began to feel tendencies towards women rather than men! I began to see a dream is that the young man was a friend to me I loved it and I could not separate him and I felt that we would be together forever, named "Tim", and after I woke up from the dream was discovered after a long search that "Tim" This is a donor heart, lungs, and who died in an accident.
    And then began to "Claire" looking for a family of the donor, because doctors may not be for them to tell her about it, so are the laws, not allowed to show the donor. After a long search with the help of friends able to reach the desired address, and when I went to their house I asked for his name was a surprise that is already named "Tim" and I asked them about his character and said he loves the beer and chicken the same foods that have become "Claire" love her!
    3. There are hundreds of similar to the case of Claire cases, which occur as a result of the heart, lungs, and organ transplant, doctors in the United States have refused to deal with such cases, despite the urgency of the patients know who donated them and what are the qualities, but laws prevent that they have, so keep these cases is well thought out. The writer emphasizes PAUL THOMPSON that there are more than 70 documented cases similar to the case of Sony, Claire, there have been changes in her personal character quite similar to the donor.
    4. Professor Gary Schwartz at the University of Arizona confirms that there are huge numbers of patients have a personal changes occurred after transplant them, and say that these cases pose a challenge to modern medicine, which is unable to interpret the current Bhakaúgah!
    Professor Gary Schwartz has documented the strange case, a homosexual woman who loves fast food 29-year-old, has been hit by the failure of the heart was the heart transplant has taken from the plant girl does not eat hovering 19 years old, and after the transplant directly these women have become normal: still homosexuality and became hate fast food just like her original heart !!
    Note: In the case of this woman and how abnormal homosexuality change has become normal to change her heart, evidence of those who claim that homosexuality is a normal condition found in human genes abnormal, so they say why did God punish him for his actions abnormal? We say that the Beloved goodness Center and corruption is in the heart, once changed a woman's heart "lesbian" immediately changed and I got married and became a very natural! What does that mean? It means that the heart is a repository of information and we should do and maintained by storing the useful information, especially the Koran.
    Section in the nerve cells of the heart, which is more than 40,000 cell-cell number, and confirms some doctors "brave" that these cells are responsible for thinking and directing the brain and play a big role in all body control! Including Professor Gary Schwart, which documented dozens of cases that prove that the heart of a major role in human character and his actions and his memories of control, but the heart is the one who determines the level of belief or disbelief in humans!
    6. Daily Mail confirms that doctors in China are interested in this phenomenon and they teach now, and if this phenomenon is true, it will destroy a lot of facts in modern medicine
    1- Pearsall P, Schwartz GE, Russek LG, Changes in heart transplant recipients that parallel the personalities of their donors, School of Nursing, University of Hawaii, www.springerlink.com, 2000.

    2- Paul Pearsall, The Heart's Code: Tapping the Wisdom and Power of Our Heart Energy, New York, Broadway Books, 1998.

    3- Linda Marks, THE POWER OF THE HEART, www.healingheartpower.com, 2003.

    4- Dorothy Mandel, Spirit and Matter of the Heart, Grace Millenium, Winter 2001.

    5- Linda Marks, The Power of the Soul-Centered Relationship, HeartPower Press, 2004.

    6- Paul Pearsall, Gary E. Schwartz, Linda G. Russek, Organ Transplants and Cellular Memories, Nexus Magazine, April - May 2005.

    7- Schwartz GER, Russek, LGS. The Living Energy Universe. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing, 1999.

    8- His Heart Whirs Anew, Washington Post, August 11, 2007.

    9- Heart, Wikipedia.

    10- Science of the heart, Institute of HeartMath.

    11- Rollin McCraty, The Scientific Role of the Heart in Learning and Performance, Institute of HeartMath, 2003.

    12- Does your heart sense your emotional state? www.msnbc.msn.com, Jan. 26, 2006.

    13- Annual Meeting of the Pavlovian Society, Tarrytown, NY, 1999.

    14- One heart links two men in life and death, http://www.smh.com.au/

    15- http://www.kansascity.com/440/story/563838.html

    16- http://www.therealessentials.com/followyourheart.html

    17- http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=87828

    18- http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/news/20080313/pessimism-deadly-for-heart-patients

    19- http://www.paltoday.com/arabic/news.php?id=62570

    20- Music 'can aid stroke recovery', BBC.co.uk, 20 February 2008.

    21- Simon Heather, The Healing Power of Sound.

    22- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=558271&in_page_id=1770

    23- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/health/healthmain.html?in_article_id=558256&in_page_id=1774

    24- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/worldnews.html?in_article_id=557864&in_page_id=1811

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