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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering. Pretty much everything.

UTpolymath's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Okay guys, I need some help. I know some C++, about enough to fit in one semester. When I took the course we covered a little bit passed arrays. Anyway, I never really understood how to make an actual application. We would write some code maybe about 300 lines at times, and we would run the code or some of you might call it "debug" and this is where the command prompt would pop up -- usually it would ask me to input some values to calculate whatever my code was intended to do. However, I never really learned how to make an application where you can actually interact with and do other things. What I mean by that is for example all the applications that you find in your mobile phones. What do you need to know to make an application like that? How do I learn how to structure my code to do something like that? I think that is one of my biggest problems; I don't know how to structure code or develop applications. I know the rules, syntax, functions, et cetera, for C++ I just don't know how to apply them. Any pointers, books, websites, references would be helpful. Furthermore, I also want to learn how to program for robotics, and hardware/device applications. For example, programming wireless receivers and what not. I am double majoring in physics and in applied mathematics so any math or physics that may relate to this would not be a problem. Thank all of you in advance! - M
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