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Everything posted by Bluemoon

  1. "Problems that would take classical computers thousands of years." Such as, for instance:- cracking financial internet connections (& the like)? It will be a mixed blessing when we do. Organised crime and rogue states will eventually get them. They very quickly got both types of atom bomb secrets, which were presumably protected with the best secrecy controls at all possible.
  2. Thank you for the answer swansont. mathematic, thats an interesting site, thanks, though it gives the Total Mass Loss rate for the Sun here:- http://solarphysics.livingreviews.org/Articles/lrsp-2004-2/articlesu1.html#x6-30002.1 as:- " These solar wind data imply a total mass loss rate for the Sun of M˙≈ 2 × 10 −14 SM / yr " which would, if I've done my maths correctly, make swansont's estimate too big by about 3 times.
  3. The Sun's mass is decreasing all of the time, because of nuclear fusion and the solar wind and coronal mass ejections. How much has this altered the Earth's orbit over the last 10,000 years?
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