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Science Person

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Everything posted by Science Person

  1. If the copper was not completely dry, excess water is likely to be present in THE RESIDUE. As we know, water has its own mass, it will add to the overall mass of copper, making the actual yield higher causing an increase in percentage yield. What else can i say in order to enforce my idea above. Thank You
  2. The difference between the boiling point of methane and chloroform. Methan's boiling point is -164 C and chloroform's boiling point is 62 C. Explain the difference between two boiling points. I do not get this question at all and really need help answering this particular question. Both the CHCL3 and CH4 have the same shape....but how does that affect their boiling points.
  3. yes it is and can you elaborate on this idea I do not quite understand it.
  4. what would be some sources or error in a potato lab where each patoto slice (3 cm in length) is put into a test tube with different concetrations of water for example : 100 % , 99.5 % , 99 % , 98.5 % , 98 % are all concentrations of water in which a potato slice was put in and left for 24 hours in order to determine if the overall mass has gone down or increased. Someone please give some ideas on this. Thank You
  5. Even after twenty years of use most quarters have the same shiny appearance that they did when they were minted. Most pennies, however, have dulled considerably. What does this suggest about the position of the metal used to make quarters and the metal used to make pennies on the activity series? *Talking about quarters and pennies from 1997* Over time pennies get dull because of their composition since they are made purely made from copper and as a result copper reacts with oxygen and other gases in the air and therefore lose their shininess as copper reacts with oxygen in the air to make copper oxide and therefore turn dull however, (I am having trouble why quarters don't get dull (statistics = 1997 quarters are 99.9% nickel). And I can not determine the relationship between nickel and the fact that it does not react because it should since it is higher than copper on the acticity series. Someone please explain. Thank You
  6. Hello, lately I have been facing some trouble with a question that I have been asked in one of my labs. I cannot determine what reaction would occurs if zinc and copper and put into hydrochloric acid. Can someone please explain to me in detail how and what reaction would be reacted. Thank You
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