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Posts posted by Mr.Zurich92

  1. I also believe pedophilia is highly inborn and not curable by psychotherapie. So pedophile people who abused children should be isolated for the entire life. Pedophile people who didn't abuse children should look for help and should let castrate. Pedophilia may have other unknown biological causes than homosexuality. There are heterosexual pedophile men but also homosexual pedophile men!


    Two homosexual adults do not harm anyone when they love each other.


    Pedophila is much less common than homosexuality.


    Pedophile may be caused by rare mutations or unknow polygenetic interaction which lead to such kind of a brain. Did you hear about those monocygotic male twins who were both pedophile? An there was a second case of two monocygotic male twins who have abused children! Very likely in pedophile brain something neurobiologically is wong.



    I one asked in yahoo answer something about homosexuality and a biology teacher answered me. She wrote in here lifetime she had seceral pupils who were homosexual and came to her for help. She also believe the major cause of homosexuality could be prenatal hormonal modification.


    Here we have the same sort of local/state gov't where we as the people can veto if certain things get built, such as large casinos here in Massachusetts. Certain cities have vetoed it while so have accepted and voted yes. The rest that you have said, are devised by the fed/state/local governments and we as the people don't have the influence that we should. I would much rather live in Switzerland due to the democracy that your country upholds. Although, on the status of Obamacare there is only a fuss because of ignorant politicians and conservatives. Overall, it has helped millions but has screwed some as well. In the end, it is actually working which the Republicans will not admit.


    Politics in the United States are quite disgusting, really.

    Politicans generally, because they are only humans at the end. And humans are driven by primitive instincsts.



    Why do you assume that homosexuality precludes having sex with someone of the opposite gender? I know many homosexuals, both male and female and all of them have had sex with someone of the opposite gender at some point.


    Being homosexual means that your preferred sexual partner is some one of the same sex it does not mean you cannot have sex with any but those of the same gender.


    Sexual preference is not a white or black on or off proposition. Sexuality is a spectrum of sexual preferences...

    I have never said a that. Haven't you read my posts?


    I d not believe their is true bisexuality in men. I don't believe there is any man in the world, who can get horny cause of both gender. Of course ''I believe'', otherwise I want to see the proof that there are bisexual men.

  4. Gay means to be sexually interested to the same sex. I'm gay but do not have interest to have an relationship with another man. Despite that, I don't get horny cause of women.



    The gay ram studies are the only studies of homosexuality in animals I believe to be well done. Also those differences in sexual dimorphic nuclei of gay rams compared to hetero rams is fascinating. It's not easy to do such studies with chimpansees or gorillas, because they often have sex just for fun and it doesn't mean they are really attracted to the same sex. I also could have sexual intercourse with women just for fun, but I don't get really horny!

  5. How many nucleotides are involved in the Splicing process. I mean:


    you have the exome sequence, then the exome sequences ends, how many nucleotides from the end of the exome(in the intron) you have to count as important for splicing? I talking about the splicing site. I read in a good germany scientific book, that splicing sites are 9 until 15 nucleotides long. Correct?

  6. Exclusivetivity is not a standard in nature. Many humans are exclusive between each other for life but that is not the case for all mammals. Not even always the case for humans. Many mammals play the odds. Mate with everything and anything they can until something winds up pregnant. Defining sexual behavior as any one thing is a human thing. It doesn't universal apply throughout nature in the same terms.

    I guess you are heterosexual man? I hardly believe you get attracted to men even once!


    I'm pretty sure you have never got a boner cause of another man and you will never get a boner cause of a man. So sexual orientation IS exclusive!

  7. I may be controversial again, but I don't think its the Euro that's messing up European economies, its their way of life and how its tied to their fiscal policies.

    Even before the Euro there were areas which struggled and other areas which resented having to support them. They were areas of individual countries though. Just as there are now countries in the Euro zone which have good work ethics ( Germany comes to mind ) and countries which are irresponsible and live one election at a time ( sure I was born there so I'll pick on Italy), there were areas in Italy, when they still had the Lira, which were irresponsible and corrupt ( the southern half ). They cannot grow the economy in the Italian south because any industry which relocates there has to put up with a few days a week absenteeism of employees. Politicians are always promising lower taxes to get re-elected and increase borrowing to compensate. I have a house and property in Italy and pay hardly any property taxes ( in Canada I pay over 6000 can$ per yr ), yet Italians still expect to retire early and all other benefits.


    How can their economy not be in the dumps, whether they use the Euro or the Lira ?

    Corruption is a problem in entire Italy not only in the south. It has to do with their mentality! It's how they are.



    My mother is from South Italy. The organized criminality do harm the economy in South Italy. There is no investor who wants to invest in a new

    waste incinerating plant, because they fear of the Camorra, that's why! The result is Napoli has a big waste problem.



    Of course if you would build a factory in Calabria, you would have workers who are missing at work a lot of time, but a bigger issue are the

    ’Ndrangheta! You have to pay to them that you can have there your factory. And from time to time they want to have more money from you, otherwise you get trouble with them.



    Mafia= cancer

  8. I'm talking about exclusiv homosexuality in animals! Correct!


    I do not get a boner when I see naked women or faces of women and this is exclusive homosexuality. I also observed that male homosexuality is very common in humans.



    If a rind only gets a boner when he is next to another rind and want to mate other rind and the same time shows ZERO sexual interests for other cows(female) this was exclusive homosexuality. I have never heard of such rinds.



    Male rats which are treaten with anti-androgens right after brith aren't able to get an erection later as adults when they stay next to other female rats! That's a kind of exclusive homosexuality.


    Why male homosexuality is so common in humans? Are there any medicaments used which causes that?


    Or has it to do because humans are able to influence their hormone levels psychologically? Let's say a mother changes their hormon levels in the blood only through thinking during pregnancy. In humans adrenal hormon levels are highly influenced psychologically. the fetus is affected!

  9. Why there isn't realy homosexuality found in the animal world while in human homosexuality clearly exist. I don't understand that.


    Gorillas and chimpansees are genetic most similar to humans. But clear homosexuality is not seen by them.



    Only in sheep this is seen. In sheep 7 % to 8% of male sheep had clearly only sexual interests for other males and zero interest for ewes.

  10. They say gay animal do exist. Well, this means there are male animals who are 100% attracted to other males and show no sexual interest for females. Ok, but when we look at gorillas or chimpansees male homosexuality is not seen realy. When you talk about gay chimpansees, we are talking about a chimpansee which only wants to have sexual intercourse with other males. But there aren't such chimpansees.



    I have never heard about a gay brown bear!


    I saw in CNN about a gay Pinguin couple. But this gay Pinguin couple break up and find later other females for procreating and child parenting. So I would be a little bit careful when you talk about ''gay Pinguins''!

  11. My aunt lives in Switzerland ( Zurich as a matter of fact ) as do my cousins.

    My dad used to work in Switzerland in the 60s prior to emigrating to Canada in 1968 from south-central Italy.


    Maybe Switzerland's proportional representation type of coalition government works well with their multi-party system ( maybe the Swiss are more sensible ), but it has failed miserably in Italy. Their government falls about every six months ( OK I'm slightly exaggerating ) since WW2, and they have trouble getting anything accomplished.


    Also I don't know if the laws are now changed, but the Swiss treated their immigrants fairly bad . There was severe discrimination against immigrants which kept them from owning property among other things. In the US, every immigrant who is here legally has the same rights as everyone else. They are all Americans.

    Canada is very similar, except that in the 70s, Mr Trudeau started the Multiculturalism Experiment, where we pay new immigrants to keep the culture, morals and ideals of the oppressive societies they were trying to escape from ( a ploy to get the immigrant vote ). So we now have hyphenated Canadians like French-Canadians, Italo-Canadians, Irish-Canadians, Chinese-Canadians, etc.

    And why there is a such big deal about Latinos which are migrating from the South?

    I sure hope that NPD has not gotten any seats in the federal parliament!

    As far I know they got some seats in the parlament of Sachsen(Geramyn is also a federal state). If people do vote for such rightwing parties, then you should accept it. Of course there is danger, but that's their fault. It's like prostitution. Prostiution should not be forbidden, because if a state forbides it, prostitutions goes in the underground.

  12. On the matter of parties, how many are there in Britain I have to wonder. France? Germany? Why pick on just the US to compare to Switzerland Mr.Zurich?


    While it's uncommon to see more than the 2 main parties run for Congress or state or county or city offices, I cannot remember a presidential election that didn't have 6 or more parties with candidates. Socialist, communist, green, independent, libertarian, republican, & democrat come immediately to mind and I may have missed 1 or 2.



    First I have to say we are a country which don't have a president! That's something many Non-Swiss don't know. Our executive is shared by different parties so a lot of parties share the executive power! Totally we have seven executive ministers. Actually, 1 SVP, 2 FDP, 2 SPS, 1 BDP, 1 CVP. They do belong to parties which have different ideas how the state should be orginized, but they have to work with each other. There are more parties like greens, green-liberal, communist, socialists, or rightwings which are small and can't get into the executive.


    Germany also has different parties like DIE Linke, SPD, FDP, Grüne, AfD, CDU, CSU, NPD etc. They all have seats in the parlament proportional to the votes they got. But US-citizen are represented by only two parties in Washington!



    France is also not very democratic organized. The whole state is very CENTRALISTIC! Everthing is ruled from Paris. That's not good.


    Very weird that Norway is ranked as Nr. 1 in Democracy index, although they have no elements of direct democracy neither federalism!

  13. Hello I'm from the USA. I will be pleased not to say my country is the most democratic. Such a classification is meaningless. I will be further pleased to say my country started the modern experiment in democracy that set the mold for your democracy as well as the rest of Europe and world that accept a democracy of some flavor as a better way to live. You're welcome.








    Well, the modern Switzerland was founded in 1848 as democratic and fedral country. But direct democracy was already used in some alpine and rural cantons many years before the USA even was founded. Like canton of Uri or canton of Appenzell:




    Only way how the USA has influenced our politcial system is, that our parlament is divided in two houses which do controll each other. That's it.


    I live in the Netherlands(electorate), we call direct votes referendums, and occasionally our politicians play around with referendums.

    Problem is, we have no laws regarding referendums, and they're either declared "non-binding" meaning they 're ignored if our politicians don't like the outcome,

    or they're skewed from the start(nobody wants a new harbour, then there's a referendum about how big we want it to be)


    What kind of laws does Switzerland have regarding direct voting ?

    Our votings our binding. Not allowed are initiatives which bother human rights! That's why it's not possible to start an initiative which wants to reintroduce death penalty or torture for criminals(exemples). Interestng is, that the USA has still death penalty as a western OECD country.


    We also have referendums. Exemple: the parlament decides to make higher the cost for highway vignettes. Now the people have 18 months to collect enough singatures. Then we have a votation about a referendum. If most people say NO in this referendum, the parlament can't make highway vignettes more expensive. Referedums are binding!


    That's a big problem with representativ democracies, they are ignoring the will of the people. The biggest reason why no other country want to have a direct democracy is, because the politicans would lose political power! That's why.


    there are countries in Europe which have clearly less inhabitans than Switzerland like Denmark, Norway or Finland. None of them has a direct democracy. It has to do with their politicans and parties who don't want.



    Did the Dutch even have the right to vote if they want the EURO as currency? I don't think so. Do you know what is even far less democratic than representative democracies? The European Union!


    They want a Free trade association with the USA, although many people in EU countries don't want this Free Trade Association with the USA. Democratic was if the people in the EU countries could vote if they want to have this FTA with the USA and you could guess if there was a votation, the FTA would fail!

  15. Additonally very weird how homosexuality is treaten in the USA! Homosexual acts between two adult person was decriminalized in Switzerland in 1943! In the USA decriminalisation of homosexual acts happened in the 70s! Some US-states have decriminalized homosexual acts in the last decade!!!


    Now in 2005 we had a national votation if same-sex parentship should be comfirmed by the state. 58% have voted YES! In 2008 a tiny majority in California have voted FOR same-sex marriage ban!!! Very strange...

    In Switzerland you voted NO against minarets in 2009, which shows that you may have democracy indeed. It goes so far that the religious freedom of the minorities are no longer protected.


    Your form of democracy is getting awfully close to a nationalized version of the mob rule (the tyranny of the majority). A government should be there also to protect the rights of the minorities, whether they are religious minorities, age groups, people with disabilities, vegetarians or just opera lovers.

    Compared to many Muslim states, european nations are tolerant to Muslims, but Muslims aren't. I mean Egyptic Christians get killed by muslim egypts, or some Christians have to go away from ISIS fundementalist! Here in Switzerland Muslim don't get killed by Christians and they can perform their religion as they want without any fear! Not even in Tukey Christans have to same rights as Muslims because they get discriminated by a few laws! Did you know that?

  16. But people don't have a say so much in the USA. Let's say a city parlament wants build a new football stadium. That cost a lot of tax money. So here a year ago, the people of Zurich city could vote if they want a new stadium(cost: minimum 250'000'000 $). A big majority said NO! So the tax money was saved.


    Or nation level we can vote very soon if you can drive on Swiss highways maximum 140 km/j(87 mph) instead of 120 km/h(74mph). I will vote NO because there will be more car accidents if you can drive faster on highways.


    Or it is the same with genetic modified food. 10 years ago we coukd vote if we wand to forbid genetic modified food and a majority said YES. Since then it's illegal for farmers to use semen of genetic modified food.


    Or in a month we can vote about a change in our health system. While in the USA you go cracy because of Obamacare and put up a fuss, we can vote directly what kind of health system we want!



    I hardly believe an US-citizen has such an influence!

  17. Regions characterized as non-coding can still harbor unidentified sRNA or, more commonly have a regulatory role (e.g. as transcription factor binding sites). In fact, many (most) cases SNPs exert their effects due to regulatory changes rather than actual mutations in protein-coding regions themselves.

    So this means the major cause why people do have different disease risk or traits is because:


    1. Different amount of mRNA?

    2. How active certain genes are during pregnancy and life?

    3.How well proteins and enzymes can bind with such regulatory sequences?



    Let's say it's clear people have different faces. So variance in face shape of people has rather to do how active genes are and not with the protein structure itself?

  18. When you look at the GWAS you can see that many SNP which influece a trait, phenotype or disease risk are in the introns or outside a gene! That's weird, because at the end the mRNA is important for Protein creating! Intron don't get trancribed!?? Do you get that?

  19. Hello I'm from Switzerland


    There is something I don't understand. Why US-Americans have only the possibility to vote for two parties(democrats or republicans)? Here in Switzerland we have many different parties in the parlament we can vote for. So in all other wester democraties,too. Only in the USA you only vote for two parties? And this two parites very often don't compromise rather go in conflict with each other!? That's not democracy. Democracy means to compromise and to talk with each other.


    And anyway the USA only has a representative democracy! Here in Switzerland we have a semi direct democracy. As a Swiss I believe the only two countries which are democratic are Switzerland and Lichtenstein, sorry! Representative countries are pseudodemcracies!


    And even more: A French citizen can vote DIRECT for a president while US-citizen can't vote direct for a president!


    So please don't say the USA was the most democratic country on earth!




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