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  1. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?????? THEY WERE HOSTILE TO ME FIRST. TELL THEM !!!!!!!!! TYPICAL INTERNET FORUM TACTICS...... The "people" insult. The "people" speak when the inssultee fight back... Moderator reprrrimands the insulteee....
  2. No , Jamie Hale. WRONG. It is you who are misinformed. You are promotimng NONSENSE. I tried PRIVATELY to correct you. Now, I will do it publicly: Please educate yourself. Real science educators are trying mightily to correct the misinformation people like yourself are promoting: START HERE: <ad link removed.>
  3. They were rude to me first. NO TROLL. I am only an EDUCATOR of misinformed people....
  4. No straw here.... No straw whatsoever. Just a proper CORRECTION and REFUTATION the crap MISINFORMATION that ALL of you believe.... You are just angry because I totally busted your world apart. Professional science educators, such as Dr. William McComas are fighting vigorously to COUNTER the totally false garbage information people such as yourself put out and publicly promote..... I have noticed any time I try to correct the crap about this topic that uneducated weirdo Internet people have a verbally violent reactions to correct educational material... All of you demonstrate this. Look at the -7 reaction.... Hey Everybody On This Forum : DON'T get angry with me just because all of YOU learned it WRONG! PLEASE EDUCATE YOUR MISINFORMED YOURSELVES! Here is a great place to START: Advertising links removed by Moderator
  5. Did you know that while testability is necessary for a hypothesis or theory, testability is NOT NEARLY GOOD ENOUGH. Yes, untestable theories hold back scientific progress, HOWEVER, there is something MUCH MORE IMPORTANT that holds it back far more.
  6. Never said otherwise. You're just mad I showed what you believed all these years false.... You should be happy. very unscientific attiude, isn't it? YOU have a third rate education. By the fact you believed in "The Scientific Method." YOU should have been able to figure out that this is NOT the way Einstein, Newton, Darwin or Filippenko go about their work. You're just mad I showeed what you believed all these years to be false. So, you start arguments and spew insults... This is not very scientific attitude , is it? You self - procalimed scientists are hypocrites. As Paul davies points out: Scientists are JUST AS BIASED as any other pforession. SCIENCE IS NOT IOBJECTIVE. IN FACT, THERE IS A STRONG SUBJECTIVE ELEMENT- even in interpretation of research. The overwhelming portion of the 7 billion or so human beings who currently live on earth ERRONEOUSLY believe in some FARCE called "The Scientific Method."
  7. It is a total myth and one of the most persistent. William McComas and John Denker have gone to great lengths to counter this myth and educate people. The amount of laymen who buy into "The Scientific Method" MYTH is appaling! http://www.av8n.com/physics/scientific-methods.htm
  8. Please stop spreading this misinformation and promoting myths, Jamie Hale. Science educators such as Dr. William McComas, as well as many professional scientists, are fighting to counter this misinformation about science and correct it. There is NO SUCH THING as "The Scientific Method." No such thing exists or ever existed. This is one of the greatest and most pervasive MYTHS about science out there. Science uses THOUSANDS of methods and they are all very different. "The Many Scientific MethodS" or the Many processes of science" are far better expressions. "The Scientific Method" is a disgarce and erroneous garbage. The universal, step by step, common, singular poster version is complete nonsense what we all learn in 7th grade. Little, if ANY, science is conducted this way! There are many people trying to correct this creeping fox terrier" and blatant myth , such as physicist John Denker, who has an excellent article about this travesty. Also, the University of Califfornia at Berkeley has a great article about Science Misconceptions. I talk to MANY noted scientists (such as Michio Kaku and more) and they ALL say unanimously that NO such singular method ever existed and that it is a persistent MYTH. They all unanimously said in their books, as well as to me, that science is rather messy and has NO distinctly defined "method." The Scientific Method needs to be REMOVED from our vocabulary immediately. It is total nonsense and an insult to professional scientists everywhere.
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