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Everything posted by pegasusprime

  1. so know one have an idea of what she is reffering to ?
  2. the problem is that i asked her twice so i dont know what to think
  3. http://i.imagefra.me/09ajsx9vit s the original document she give me it said that some aneuploides are caused by sticky genes they made disjunction difficult and they tend to be on many menbers of the family
  4. maybe but she tell me the name is sticky genes that cause that sickness , and that it isnt tranposon , sticky ends or a chrmosomal translocation i have search but i couldnt find anything
  5. i have already ask him about it i ask if she was talking about sticky ends or , transposons even translocation but she tell that it wasnt that it has to do with bad luck families and no disjunction they cause some sickness like down turner Klinefelter it is a numéric alteration of the cromosomes
  6. according to her it a cause of genetic diseases
  7. hi excuse me what is a sticky gene ? my teacher tell me it isnt a sticky end or a transposon i search on some genetics books but i cant find anything normally they talk about sticky ends and transposons so i dont know the same on internet please help me
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