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Everything posted by cynthiafox

  1. Yes, that is true, and respected stem cell researcher Kenneth Lee posted an article in F1000 Research, that was peer reviewed, finding it was not replicable. That article was reviewed and accepted by two top stem cell scientists, Janet Rossant and Christine Mummery. That paper is located at. http://f1000research.com/articles/3-102/v1
  2. A paper that Nature called "one of the biggest science papers of the year" may soon be retracted: one of the two Nature January 2014 "acid bath" STAP stem cell papers. In those papers, a Harvard/Riken team said ordinary cells could be stressed into a stem-cell state using coffee-mild acid. But so many acts of misconduct have been discovered by Riken and by cloning pioneer Teru Wakayama, that lead author Haruko Obokata has agreed to retract one paper. Both papers are under intense scrutiny. See: link removed
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