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Everything posted by PolyMath1

  1. Ok, this is a question that has been bugging me for quite some time. We all know there really is NO sound in space, because obviously there is no air in space and such. But we do know of radio waves that can be converted into sound, right? And because of this, there has been some peculiar and somewhat creepy sounds produced by NASA. They do this by interpreting the best that they can the waves into sound. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO9hx0x68lk - this video explains some things and also shows examples of freaky sounds in space. But here's the question that the video failed to ask. If radiowaves can be converted into sound - does this mean there really is sound in space? - however the sound we know as radio waves (which are actually light waves, I believe) are simply disguised as light? Like if you think about it that way, there really is sound in space, right? It's a hard question, much like many of the questions asked in science. Opinions?
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