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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Hello to all, I have a web to which I would like that you give a look, in concrete to the science section of (url removed by moderator) to see what you think. My web is based on the idea that the consciusness is the electromagnetism but to demonstrate it goes embracing from numerous perspectives (and always with scientific studies) as how it can be this way at all the levels from cellular to organism and even planetarium. Therefore embracing topics as the biophotonics, the interaction of the electromagnetic fields whith the material quantum fields mediated by biomolecules or water, the effects of electromagnetic contamination, different mensurations and studies of distant interactions, the conscience of GAIA visibe through geomagnetic pulsations and Schumann resonances, and even extrapolating this last, equivalent signs in the planets of our solar system. Well, to see if you like and/or it is for your profit. I recently released the web..
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