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Quark (2/13)



  1. Well I can't have too many at 1,, and Cox is a great speaker.
  2. I realize this, I was just putting it in lamens terms I read it somewhere
  3. We can all be intelligent but not all of us can be wise and most still have a fair way to go. You don't need intelligence to be wise, and you don't need to be wise to be intelligent. Intelligence is like an instinct, an ability to learn the ability to want to seek to learn more. Wisdom is like quantum physics we don't instinctively know it but experience can bring around wisdom. Sun Tzu was wise, Niccolo Machiavelli was intelligent Einstein could be said to be both.
  4. Of course it is possible, it is an absurd idea but Einstein once said if at first an idea is not absurd then there is no hope for it. And should they come into contact? Absolutely! If they destroy us they would only be hastening what we are doing to ourselves, if they help us they could be our Savior.
  5. I join discussion forums to learn other's opinions and to hone my own
  6. Yes, this may not be what you meant but here's an example: Einstein's force which he thought would keep the universe in a steady state or cosmological constant, he later ruled this theory out when evidence of a unsteady universe was found. Several decades later in rolls dark energy, Einsteins force which counteracts the force of gravity. It may not be at the level of Newtonian Mechanics, however the big bang can be considered part of a larger more illusive picture while gravity we had some intuition with as we experience it daily
  7. I accept the big bang and inflation because they fit within the current models of physics. And string junky, yes it does annoy me when people say it's just a theory, there's a lot of evidence to support both theory's. And to expand, if a scientist says it's a hypothesis it means there is evidence to support it however it is not garnered enough evidence to there be reasonable assurances with the scientific community. And if there are two competing theory's then either one is completely wrong or one fits somewhere in the other.
  8. 1. Stephen Hawking - Michio Kaku - Brian Greene 2. Albert Einstein - Brian Cox 3. Carl Sagan 4. Isaac Newton 5. Schrodinger 6. Dr. Sheldon Cooper () if only he was real lol
  9. I think World Science U is a good place to go to learn about physics
  10. A normal computer uses 'bits' witch can be a one or a zero at a given moment, so they can only check off computational pathways one at a time, granted it is extremely fast comparative to a humans ability to think up several scenarios however this is still a limitation. Quantum computers use quantum principles that an atom can be in several states at one time unless directly observed. Quantum Computing uses Qbits which can be both a one and a zero simultaneously and thus is able to process several problems at once increasing computational power 100 fold. The problem is if we are looking at the data, the state will stick and the data will become unreadable, scientists are currently looking to use quantum computing with indirect observation so data can be seen. Quantum computers are theoretically so powerful they can predict natural disasters.
  11. Bananas are great, but they are the most radioactive fruit, a detriment to the good protein and healthy vitamins it gives. Although the radioactivity is low, 200 bananas being equal to the radiation given off by an X-ray
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