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Everything posted by bluedot

  1. After considering these questions, I concluded they have practically nothing to do with logical reasoning. As matter of fact, only Q4 and Q5 make some sense to me. For example, from 4 shapes in Q1 one can make a rectangle (answer "A"). But who asks you to make a rectangle? The answer may be "D" too, because it is small and pointy just as 4 previous shapes. In Q2, I would pick answer "A", simply on the basis of the next door similarity. And Q3 is a complete randomizer. Any answer can be correct
  2. maybe becouse number 3 is the only number we can always find in these hexagons? that's the only reasonable rule i can think of ...
  3. 3 is the offical answer given in the magazine. I have no idea what's the logic behind it
  4. Well, do you mind explaining why do you think it is 2? The correct answer is supposed to be 3 !
  5. In that case, you are right and he is wrong.
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