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  1. Guys, thanks for the responses and links, I see what I need to learn. Also found a good book by Taha - Operation Research (http://books.google.com.ua/books/about/Operations_Research_An_Introduction_8_E.html?id=QhU5BkVRm2oC&redir_esc=y), I'm sure, it seems to be classical, but I haven't worked with it. I understand that I have to do a little more fundamental economic to deeper understand subject area
  2. Hi, I'm ukrainian student, studying applied mathematics in Kiev. I have an online store and some statistics data on it's work. Also I've learned a bit about optimization problems and operation reasearch. I want to know how to apply mathematics to work with an online store? Maybe apply machine learning algorithms to handle existing statistics? Or maybe I can use some optimization techniques? I am a novice at all these things, I have only theoretical knowledge and know how to program the methods but don't know anything about their application in business. I would be grateful for some links, books or just advice Reagrds, Alex Rachnog
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